geia sas paidia exw ena provlimataki meta echant ennow elpizw na ta exw kanei ola sosta ta opla pano apo +6 den pane exw kanei safe +6 kai dokimasa kai ekana ola ta chance 100 kai ta blessed ola spane den pane panw apo +6 oriste to script na mou peite an exw kanei kati lathos i mipos einai kapoio java provlima
# This is a list where you define different enchant chance on different enchant levels
# Format: enchantLevel1,enchantChance1;enchantLevel2,enchantChance2...
# Example:
# The "\"indicates new line, and is only set for formating purposes.
# EnchantChanceWeaponList = 4,90;5,80;6,75;7,70;8,65;\
# 9,60;10,50;11,20;12,10;13,50;14,25;15,20
# No ";" or ";\" at the end
# So, if the enchant chance for +15 is set to 30%, the enchanter will have 30%
# chance to enchant the weapon from +14 to +15
# If a specific enchant level isnt described in the list, or the list is empty,
# the chance will be the one set at default configs
# (ex. EnchantChanceWeapon = ?? / EnchantChanceArmor = ?? / EnchantChanceJewelry = ??)
# So if you miss in the list for example, +15 for weapon, the chance will be
# the one set at EnchantChanceWeapon (BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon for blessed)
EnchantChanceWeaponList = 75
EnchantChanceArmorList = 70
EnchantChanceJewelryList = 65
BlessedEnchantChanceWeaponList = 100
BlessedEnchantChanceArmorList = 100
BlessedEnchantChanceJewelryList = 100
# List of item id that will be affected by EnchantChance lists
# (separated by "," like 77,78,79).
# Notes:
# *Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# *Items on this list will be affected by normal enchant restrictions aswell.
# For example, even if you add a hero weapon here, you wont be able to enchant it.
# *Default is 0, that means all items will be affected, and if there is 0 somewhere
# in the list, it will still affect all items! Be aware of that!
EnchantChanceListsRestriction = 77
# Chance a Crystal Enchant Scroll will succeed after safe enchant.
EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal = 70
EnchantChanceArmorCrystal = 70
EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal = 70
# Enchant limit [default = 0 (unlimited)]
# EnchantMaxAllowe is if any player has bigger enchant gets banned. EnchantMax is what max value can be put by scrols.
EnchantMaxAllowedWeapon = 65535
EnchantMaxAllowedArmor = 65535
EnchantMaxAllowedJewelry = 65535
EnchantMaxWeapon = 25
EnchantMaxArmor = 25
EnchantMaxJewelry = 25
# if EnchantSafeMax is set to for ex '8' the item will be safly enchanted to '8'
# regardless of enchant chance(default = 3 for EnchantSafeMax and default = 4 for EnchantSafeMaxFull)
# EnchantSafeMaxFull is for full body armor (upper and lower)
EnchantSafeMax = 6
EnchantSafeMaxFull = 6
ama kse rei kapoios as me voithisei euxaristo poli kai signomi gia thn enoxlisei
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geia sas paidia exw ena provlimataki meta echant ennow elpizw na ta exw kanei ola sosta ta opla pano apo +6 den pane exw kanei safe +6 kai dokimasa kai ekana ola ta chance 100 kai ta blessed ola spane den pane panw apo +6 oriste to script na mou peite an exw kanei kati lathos i mipos einai kapoio java provlima
ama kse rei kapoios as me voithisei euxaristo poli kai signomi gia thn enoxlisei
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