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[help] pk doesnt leave if you die



Hello i just need a little help i have search everywhere i havent find anything so my point is For example if a {player 1} ger karma and {player 2} kill him the player 1 doesnt lose karma but if{ player 1}kill a mob the karma leaves and the same happen witth pk killer if pk killer kill {player1} karma doesnt leave.so can someone help with that one? i am searching and trying 3 days :S thanks

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PvP Related Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The defaults are set to be retail-like. If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like.
# Warning: 
# Please take extreme caution when changing anything. Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Karma Variables
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Karma gain/loss
# Default: 240
MinKarma = 240

# Default: 10000
MaxKarma = 10000

# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.
# Default: 260
XPDivider = 260

# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.
# Default: 0
BaseKarmaLost = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PK'er Drop Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: False
CanGMDropEquipment = False

# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN 
# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# List of pet items we cannot drop.
# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650

# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will 
# never be dropped) whether on this list or not
# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390
ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390

# Default: 6
MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 6

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Should we award a pvp point for killing a player with karma?
# Default: False
AwardPKKillPVPPoint = False

# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)
# Default: 120000
PvPVsNormalTime = 120000

# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)
# Default: 60000
PvPVsPvPTime = 60000



Also next time post in correct section.

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sorry for my wrong sections i am very new but no this is didnt help me i have l2jhellas  my scripts is #===============#

#  Karma Vars  #


# Karma gain/loss

# Here are retail values - Min 240 / Max 10000

MinKarma = 240

MaxKarma = 10000


# the number to divide the xp recieved by, to calculate karma lost on xp gain/lost

XPDivider = 260


# The Minimum Karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed

BaseKarmaLost = 0




# NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!

# List of pet items we cannot drop

ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650


# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will never be dropped) whether on this list or not

ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694


# item drop related min/max

MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5


# Should we award a pvp point for killing a player with karma?

AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True


# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting an inocent (in ms)

PvPVsNormalTime = 40000


# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)

PvPVsPvPTime = 20000


# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - False

AnnouncePvPKill = False


# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - False

AnnouncePkKill = True


# Custom Messages (more network load)

# Messages Like:

# You reflected "reflectedDamage" damage.

# Summon reflected "reflectedDamage" damage.

# Target reflected to you "reflectedDamage" damage.

# Target reflected to your summon "reflectedDamage" damage.

# You absorbed "absorbDamage" damage.

# Summon absorbed "absorbDamage" damage.

# Default: False

PvPCustomMessages = True


and i think is fine about that i dont know maybe is something in java codes and i dont know very well about java codes if someone can help thanks and sorry again about the wrong section

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thank you very much knipex now if the player die from another player karma lost but if a pk killer kill the player karma is still there :S

karma still there or dissapear a bit every time it die by a pk guard?
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i will tell you exactly what is going on if a player kill a player when it haves karma the karma dissapear normay but if the karma die form the pk killer the karma is still there. so yes the karma is still there without any changes

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i will tell you exactly what is going on if a player kill a player when it haves karma the karma dissapear normay but if the karma die form the pk killer the karma is still there. so yes the karma is still there without any changes

sorry for the multiply questions but i need to understand smth.

You died from a custom guard (a guard you made or downloaded from here or other forum), or a guard out of towns (retail guards) ?

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