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i had this one , it cancel normal focus buff plus it doesn't have any big difference between normal focus ( lvl 3 ) and augment focus ( lvl 10 ) that's add only +4 crt rate ,hmmm maybe useful on low rate server


What the chance get of Active / Passive skills? (Exp: Emp , Wild Magic)


Depends of the stone , Depends of the server


Server can edit the % of getting an active - Passive skill


If the server comes by default , then u have 1-20 1-40 1-100 chances of geting agument with active - passive skill


Read my other posts and u will see how to have more % of geting active ^^


This thing confuses me:


"Refinement Limitations

• The most number of refinement can be added to a weapon is 4

• Refinement ability can be categorized in 7 different types"


Does that mean that max number of "augment buffs" you can get is like:



+11,1 critical rate



OR you can put FOUR stones to one weapon,and each will keep other's augment[4 stones on one wep]??? (if thats yes...thats just plain dum)


Well, i have a bit lucky about it. >_>

My passive/active skills of augment not so good, but usefull. Thank you for the information, i don't know exist many ways. o_o'


Thx men i hate put argument in my weapons xD,i dont have lucky,but if i obtein some skill cool,i dont know man skill argument but i hope know,so thx cya


I don't know the [%] but it's very rarefull.

With 100 TopLS76 i get only 3 skills >.>


thx for the list :) and unfortunaly it doesn't exist War Cry level 10 :(

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