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Pron me ton srv m plz help



Geia xara k pali... ;D auth thn fora exo allo prob..o srv m einai ON kanonika kano system me IP na mpenw mono egw ..kano acc k ekei p epilegeis poion srv 8es...emena dn m exei kanenan...ti mporei na ftaiei...eimai ligo asxetos apo stisimo srv...Thnx gia ton xrono sas

pisteuw na eimai sto sosto section  :)

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10 answers to this question

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dn exeis kanei register ton server sou . pigene lserver/loginpropertis/register game server

epelekse pio thes

kai tha sou bgalei ena hexid

ayto prepei na to balis mesa sto gameserver/config me name hexid :) gl

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pigaineis sto C:/server/loginserver/register_server.bat ... pata ena noumero apo 1 ews oso thes kai pata enter.

Tha dimiourgithei ena new arxeio ...ena HexID(kai to noumero poy epelekses).. kane to rename se "HexID" (xwris ta " ") kai C/P sto C:/server/gameserver/configs... Kai trexe pali ta 2 *.bat files gia na ksekiniseis to server. :)

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I8ele register ok ton ekana mpika na logaro m ton exei down :( eixa anoi3ei login k gameserver deite ti m leei sto GameServer


Starting Game Server.


loading gameserver config

MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.

Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]

Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireInc

rement -> 1, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnCl

ose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailu

re -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connec

tionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSou

rceName -> 1hge13a7u1ngv6ch10oouob|a39137, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces

-> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClas

sLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken ->

1hge13a7u1ngv6ch10oouob|a39137, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 10800, initialPoolSi

ze -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdministrativeTaskTime ->

0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, m

axPoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPool

Size -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, p

referredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propert

yCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false

, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]

## L2JOneo GS REV ## :  "1065"

## L2JOneo DP REV ## :  "1062"

Updated characters online status.

Cleaned 0 elements from database.

BitSet ID Factory could not be initialized correctly

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'l2jdb.itemsonground'

doesn't exist

        at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:936)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:2985)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1631)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1723)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3250)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeUpdate(Statement.java:1355)

        at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeUpdate(Statement.java:1270)

        at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyStatement.executeUpdate(NewProxyStat


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory.extractUsedObjectIDTable(Id


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.idfactory.BitSetIDFactory.initialize(BitSetIDFa


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.idfactory.BitSetIDFactory.<init>(BitSetIDFactor


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory.<clinit>(IdFactory.java:111


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:308)

        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:766)

IDFactory: 102912 id's available.

Could not read object IDs from DB. Please Check Your Data.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Could not initialize the ID fact


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:313)

        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:766)


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koita dn eimai sigouros alla dokimase na ksana peraseis tin database gt opos les sou grafei ayto:

Table 'l2jdb.itemsonground'

doesn't exist

pou simenei oti dn iparxei stin database. dokimase na tin ksana kaneis install


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Paw na kano pali thn database k m leei auto  :



Making a backup of the original loginserver database.

'"w:\usr\local\mysql\bin\mysqldump"' is not recognized as an internal or externa

l command,

operable program or batch file.


WARNING: Full install (f) will destroy data in your `accounts` and `gameserver`



Choose upgrade (u) if you already have an `accounts` table but no `gameserver`

table (ie. your server is a pre LS/GS split version.)


Choose skip (s) to skip loginserver DB installation and go to gameserver DB



LOGINSERVER DB install type: (f) full or (u) upgrade or {s} skip or (q) quit?


Soz p sas zalizw alla eimai entelos asxetos sto na stino srv PLZ HELP!!!

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anikse to navicat kane delete to l2jdb, meta ksana ftiakse ena idio (l2jdb) kai apo to server/tools kane ksana install etsi opos egrapses pio pano full install full install kai tha eisia ok


WARNING: Full install (F) will destroy data in your `accounts` and `gameserver`



LOGINSERVER DB install type: (F) full or (u) upgrade or {s} skip or (q) quit?


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Ok file m to ekana k einai ola m exei ton Server light..molis omos paw na logaro ekei p epilegeis srv pata ok gia na mpw sto Character Screen k dn kanei tpt enw logIn k GameServer ta exw..plz pes m ti exei ginei... :)

Thnx ek ton proteron!!

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Nai deite


Starting L2J Game Server.


loading gameserver config

MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.

Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug

Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDat

rement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay ->

ose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, br

re -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClass

tionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConne

rceName -> 1hge13a7u1pq9a911euyrqw|a39137, debugUnreturnedCo

-> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc

sLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> fals

1hge13a7u1pq9a911euyrqw|a39137, idleConnectionTestPeriod ->

e -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb, maxAdminis

, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcess

xPoolSize -> 100, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnec

Size -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckou

referredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, passw

yCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectio

, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiv

L2J Server Version:    1434

L2J Datapack Version:  Unsupported Custom Version.

Updated characters online status.

Cleaned 0 elements from database.

IDFactory: 102912 id's available.

ItemTable: Loaded 0 Armors.

ItemTable: Loaded 6880 Items.

ItemTable: Loaded 0 Weapons.

Extractable items data: Can not find './data/extractable_ite

Summon items data: Can not find './data/summon_items.csv'

TradeController: Loaded 238 Buylists.

TradeController: Loaded 0 Limited Buylists.

Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.

No recipes were found in data folder

SkillTreeTable: Loaded 35498 skills.

FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills.

FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills.

EnchantSkillTreeTable: Loaded 13200 enchant skills.

PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 64 pledge skills

ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.

FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.

SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.

CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.


: Running lazy cache

Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s

Restored 0 clans from the database.

NpcTable: Loaded 6520 Npc Templates.

NpcTable: Loaded 439 Minions.

HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.

HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.

Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 Templates.

Geodata Engine: Disabled.

Initializing ClanHallManager

Loaded: 0 clan halls

Loaded: 44 free clan halls

Initializing CastleManager

L2World: Setting up World Regions

L2World: (87 by 128) World Region Grid set up.

Loaded: 9 castles

Initializing SiegeManager

TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 649 Teleport Location Template

LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.

Loading zones...

DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised

SpawnTable: Loaded 38989 Npc Spawn Locations.

RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 179 Instances

RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances

DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 0 night creatures

DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures

DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.

Error on loading dimensional rift spawns: java.io.IOExceptio


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.Dimensional


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.Dimensional


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.Dimensional


        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServe

        at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.

DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 0 dimensional rift spawns, 0

Announcements: Loaded 1 Announcements.

seeds.csv is missing in data folder

Initializing AuctionManager

Loaded: 38 auction(s)

Initializing BoatManager

Initializing CastleManorManager

Manor System: Manor refresh updated

Manor System: Manor period approve updated

Manor System: New Schedule for period approve @ Wed Jul 02 0

Initializing MercTicketManager

Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets

Initializing PetitionManager

Initializing QuestManager

Loaded: 0 quests

Initializing AugmentationData.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 0 augmentation stats.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 0 active, 0 passive and 0 chance s

Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.

door.csv is missing in data folder

staticobjects.csv is missing in data folder

StaticObject: Loaded 0 StaticObject Templates.

SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) perio

SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues,

his week.

SevenSigns: Next period begins in 6 days, 3 hours and 4 mins

SevenSignsFestival: The first Festival of Darkness cycle beg

Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....

Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period

Olympiad System: Period Ends....

Olympiad System: In 30 days, 21 hours and 4 mins.

Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....

Olympiad System: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 mins.

Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles

Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 3 hour

Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Tue Jul 01 18:00:40

Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.

Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.

Initializing CursedWeaponsManager

Loaded : 0 cursed weapon(s).

AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.

AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 handlers in total.

ItemHandler: Loaded 791 handlers.

SkillHandler: Loaded 72 handlers.

AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 344 handlers.

UserCommandHandler: Loaded 14 handlers.

VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 1 handlers.

There is errors in your Door.csv file. Update door.csv

IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879005499

Initializing FloodProtector

TvTEventEngine[TvTManager.TvTManager()]: Engine is disabled.

GameServer Started, free memory 279 Mb of 508 Mb

Connecting to login on

Selector StartedMaximum Numbers of Connected Players: 100


Telnet server is currently disabled.

Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz


Paizei na exw k error...Thnx gia ton xrono sas :)



[color=red]EDIT :[/color] Paidia Soz alla eixa kanei la8os ta IP ehheh :D tora eimai ok thnx ola ta paidia gia to help..:)

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  • Posts

    • Trustworthy person; hope you find what you're looking for!
    • Customs being added to systextures/animation/texture influences the increase in virtual ram by a very small amount, which means you won't have a headache in the future with critical error issues, unless it's a dubious custom, there are 2 custom weapon packs available for H5 that are "compromised", they didn't make a very good adaptation, one of the packages is the weapons from the goddess of destruction for H5, another is the hero weapons from the goddess of destruction for H5, avoid these customs for your H5 server if you see it on any forum.   Now coming back to your question; one thing that the NCSoft developers never did was add files to their system, probably because they were aware of what could happen when doing that, now think about one thing: the game's system retail itself is no more than 70MB, every time there was an update made by NCSoft they always added the equipment/items/cloaks etc. in their folders intended for that, so why do we do this? I still have my client containing a system with almost 1GB, 1-2h online is the time I can stay online before the ram memory limit, but I have already redone my entire client with customs being destined for textures/systexture/animations, almost all the customs that I had on that client containing a 1GB system I have on my current server, with the difference that I removed everything from the system and critical error is now nothing more than legends, my current server has a total of 220MB in the system folder And theoretically speaking, based on what I've seen, especially on many forums, I believe that the heavier the system folder is, the faster we accelerate the consumption of the client's virtual ram memory, causing countless different types of critical error in one short period of time, in many forums that I've seen on topics involving critical, the solution that stands out the most is about downloading a new clean "system"
    • Do you think that everything on the system is loaded regardless if you use it or not ? or even worst, are they loaded even if they exist as textures/meshes but not defined on the DAT files ?
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/hoodservices https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • Yes, it is, it's not hard to do (if you know what you're doing); just time consuming.   To make some things clear: 1. You can not create .ukx files with animated skeletalmeshes inside, by using any of the freeshared L2Editors (basically, no support for .psa files) 2. You need a patched UT2003/UT2004. You can either get your own ut2004 and download Gildor's patch from his web, or use any of these: When you use these, you should be able to import both .psk and .psa animations > link the skeletalmesh to the psa > save as .ukx > use ut2down to convert the file to l2 format > encrypt the .ukx with standard l2 encryption (you can use mxc encdec, you can find it in the folder of the l2editor i shared). Your best bet is to use pawnviewer (aka dev mode) to test that. If you have troubles with that process then leave a reply here, otherwise, if it works correctly, you can move on to adding missing animnotify classes to you unrealed, then proper animnotifies, sounds, effects or w/e is missing from your .ukx files. Keep in mind that this is overall not difficult but a huge amount of work (unless you're good at scripting/macros) since you'd need to manually re-create every single animnotify, by hand. If you have doubts or i wasn't clear enough let me know here. (in case you don't know what an animnotify is: UDN - Two - AnimNotifies (unrealengine.com) )  
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