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ok first of all u need :




and if u are gonna change things who makes ur wow to crash u should need

and wowme to load the extra graphs


u can find all of this here :



ok lets see this pics :


i have change the mongoose enchant to this redglow


but anyway lets talk for simple edits

so lets edit wepon/armors/shields etc now


first of all u need is

open a notepad or wtf u want and wright here what items u got and what changes wanna do


i have one mace from bt named Torch of the damned i want to change this to Grand marshal claymore

first open

wowmodelview and go to "Item/Objectcomponents/wepons/*" in this dir u can find all the wepons in the game even monster wepons etc


search the model name for your wepon.On my wepon is Torch of the damned = "mace_2_outlandraid_d_04.m2"

and now search for the second wepon in my case Gradn marshal claymore = "sword_2h_pvpalliance_a_01.m2"



of after this open the MyWarCraftStudio and load the common.MPQ first.now search this file on the same dir as the above "Item/Objectcomponents/wepons/*" and search for the wepon if cant find it here search and the other MPQs.

Ok i have find my wepon

now right click and Do Copy the treepatch from m2 and blp

and paste it on notepad like this



now search for the next model.If u find it extract the m2 and blp everywhere u want


now in mywarcraftstudio go to pack and then create a new MPQ arch.

now go again to pack and click on edit MPQ after this load ur mpq

after this go again to pack and select add file to archive ok now is the trick first find the m2 hit open and u should see a second dialog with the filename now paste here the first treepath if u have load m2 first then use the m2 treepath and then do the same on blp

after this u  should see a dir inside with 1 m2 and 1 blp files after this go to pack and select save and close file

Ok now got to ur mpq file and rename it from 3-9 and u can use letters of course and the most important is to dont forget to change the mpq with MPQ capital cos wow inject only MPQ and not mpq

u can do many things with mpqs etc but u need to spend many time for this


  • 6 months later...

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