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Respawn Delay Edit


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Hi, a while ago I made a mini code, which will reduce or increase NPC respawn delay according to how many players are online, for example if the people online in a server is too high we want farming to be fair for all the a-beep-t of players... Also if the server has low population that momment the respawn will get increased cause farm that momment is too op for those players... If you didnt understand just read the code its so simple.


find: Gameserver/model/L2Spawn.java and add

		//ClientScheduler.getInstance().scheduleLow(new SpawnTask(npcId), _respawnDelay);
+			int count=L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayersCount();
+			if (count<=100)
+				_respawnDelay*=1.15;//+15% re-spawn delay
+			else if (count<=250)
+				_respawnDelay*=1;//actual re-spawn delay
+			else if (count<=400)
+				_respawnDelay*=0.90;//-10% re-spawn delay
+			else if (count<=600)
+				_respawnDelay*=0.80;//-20% re-spawn delay
		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new SpawnTask(oldNpc), _respawnDelay);


Additionally if you want to add some additional respawn which will be random to confuse campers/bots etc, you can add:

+				_respawnDelay+=Rnd.get(0, 10);//adds an aditional 0-10 seconds respawn delay
		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new SpawnTask(oldNpc), _respawnDelay);

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