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Welcome , my nickname is Akali and my name John , I wanna say welcome to all users who want to singup on the Lineage 2 Army . First off all we use Lineage 2 Goal project with the permision off the owner and we want to continue the wonderful work of the Lineage 2 Goal Developers. Our goal is to fix all issue  and make the players to enjoy the server and for that we need player support , to report any issue off any kind and to be patient about this server .


Here is our website : Lineage 2 Army Website


-Client: CT2.3 (Gracia Final)

Type: Custom PvP server

Rates: High rates

Starting Level: 80





-Experience: x5000

Skill Points: x5000

Rate Party Experience: x2

Rate Party Spell Point: x2

Drop Rate: x1

Spoil: x1

Adena: x5000






Safe Enchant: 7

Max Enchant: 25

Enchant Rate Weapon: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)

Enchant Rate Armor: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)

Enchant Rate Jew: Custom (Higher enchant = lower rate)





-Beginner Trader: Up to S grade items, Consumables, Potions & more.

Begginer, Amateour, Professional: Up to S84 items, Armors, Weapons, Accessories & more.(+ custom armors)

Npc Buffer: All buffs, Scheme Buffer.(custom one)

Class Master: Free Class upgrade.

Gatekeeper: Free Teleport.

Casino npc

Extra NPC: Extra Custom Items



Custom items


-Armors: (Tier 1: Dynasty) (Tier 2: Vesper) (Tier 3: Army Armor)

Weapons: (Tier 1: Dynasty) (Tier 2: Icarus) (Tier 3: Army)

Accessories: Up to 30 Accessories with unique stats.

Tattoos: Custom Tattoos with special stats.

Cloaks: More than 9 custom cloaks.

Jewels: (Tier 1:Dynasty) (Tier 2:Vesper) (Tier 3: Epic Army)


Here is the preview of the epic Army Jewels (CUSTOM)














And here are some tattos


Tier 1 = tier1.jpg

Tier 2 = tier2.jpg

Tier 3 = tier3.jpg


Olympiad system


-Upon entering olympiad you will be able to use only the special olympiader's stuff which you cannot enchant.

You cannot receive olympiad points by same IP.

Your race will be changed example given from Elf to Orc.

Your name will be Olympiader and you will not be able to chat in normal chat or on friend list's chat.

Also you will not be able to use any PvP Skills or Forgoten Book-Scrolls skills and some high damage skills like "Frenzy" will be disabled. Finally the olympiad's duration will be 2 hours a day and will last for 2 weeks till the new heroes will be selected.

Heroes will have expect the retail like hero skills NEW CUSTOM hero skills.





-Our custom buff slot will be for both mage and fighters 26 and 14 for dances/songs.





-Siegies every week.

First month will be 2 siegieable castles

Siegie rewards for the winners are enabled


Event Engine



-L2Army will run the well known "Nexus Event Engine" with more than 24 custom events. Here is a small list of the events that engine can run, just to take a view


Caravan Fights

Town Rush

Instance Event



Party vs Party


Team vs Team (3 Teams)

Team vs Team (2 Teams)

Auto Capture The Flag

Russian Roulette




Auto Zombies

Auto Mutant

Simon Says

Mini TvT

Lucky Chests

Last Man Standing

1 vs 1


And for the lovers of poker we will have a poker manager to play piker with the npc.


Cusom projects


Unique CUSTOM community board.



Custom Pvp skills


With your pvps your color name & tiltle gonna change. Moreover it will be a list of pvp skills that are going tto be added on your char related to your pvps.


Moreover the less playable classes has their own custom skills (totally created by us)


rechargeofking.jpg = Recharch of King


hardelement.jpg = Hard Element


Restoration.jpg = Restoration of Dwarf


Fearful.jpg = Dwarf the Fearful


danceico.jpg = Dance of Co


soulofelf.jpg = Soulf of Elf


songofrevolution.jpg = Song of revolution


songofmagic.jpg = Song Of Magic


songico.jpg = Song of Co


Revenge.jpg = Revenge of Dwarf


therapy.jpg = Therapy


shieldofcat.jpg + Shield Of Cat


sealoffire.jpg = Seal Of Fire


phatomregenaration.jpg = Phathom Regenaration




godofwater.jpg = God Of Water



Nobless System


-No Noblesse Quest, you can be noblesse killing the raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel.



Customs skills :

Here at Lineage 2  Army we have created custom skills for all type of characters. Moreover we have made some extra custom skills to the less playable chars like Healers/prophets etc cause at L2Army every class will have its own power. We did not added other classes skills. We have created our own for the start. More fun in the pvps


Untouchable (Human) = An extra skill for each race. Invincible for 5 seconds.

Soul of Life (Elf) = An extra skill for each race. Restores HP randomly.

Glyph of Silence (Dark Elf) = An extra skill for each race. Blocks the enemy's use of magic for 3 seconds. Chance: 90%.

Wrath of the Dwarf (Dwarf) = An extra skill for each race. Restores 5000 CP.

Terror (Orc) = An extra skill for each race. Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 7 seconds. Chance: 90%.

Hellsoul (Kamael) = An extra skill for each race. For 3 seconds, 500% of the standard short-range physical damage inflicted on the enemy is recovered as HP.


Dance of Dexterity (Spectral Dancer) = DEX +1, Accuracy +10, Crit.Rate and Crit.Power increase by 10% for 1 minute.

God of Water (Mystic Muse) = 10000 HP consume and increase M.Atk by 250% for 5 seconds.

Hard Element (Dwarfs & All Dagger/Archer classes) = Increase M.Def OVER NINE THOUSAND for 7 seconds.

Recharge of Knight (All tanks) = HP +15%, Heal receive +10%, P.Def +300, M.Def +150, P.Atk decrease by 15% for 2 minutes.

Seal of Fire (Archmage) = 10000 HP consume and increase M.Atk by 250% for 5 seconds.

Summon Sacrifice (All summoners, not only dd) = Transfers 100% of received damage to a servitor.

Song of Escape (Sowrd Muse) = STR +1, Speed +7, Evasion +20, P.def increase by 150 for 1 minute.

Darkness Rage (Storm Screamer) = 10000 HP consume and increase M.Atk by 250% for 5 seconds.

Stone Skin (All mages) = Increase P.Def OVER NINE THOUSAND for 7 seconds.

Improved Vampiric Rage (Hierophant)= Better than Vampiric Rage.

Mage Shackle (Eva's Saint) = Decrease Casting Speed by 23%.

Improved Physical (ShillienSaint) = Combines party members' P. Atk. increase and P. Def. increase to have more advanced combat power increase effect. For 2 minutes, increases P. Atk. and P. Def.


For more info join us and read what ever u want to learn..



I m lover of Custom of this style.



I really like your work.


Gz for that i hope be balanced Good luck.


thx for good words , i wait for you in forum and on server to test and see how is it :D



I m lover of Custom of this style.



I really like your work.


Gz for that i hope be balanced Good luck.

AFTER the flame u do on all these server now you try to say good words

im touched :'(


AFTER the flame u do on all these server now you try to say good words

im touched :'(


Dude i dont try to be good or Cowboy , i say my opinion and thats it..


i dont want to be bad but you missed this http://l2.the-immortal-games.com/features.html on your site i rolled down and it says l2goal, it's little weird dont you think


Anyway your features are good. Good luck with you server mate i will enjoy


i dont want to be bad but you missed this http://l2.the-immortal-games.com/features.html on your site i rolled down and it says l2goal, it's little weird dont you think


Anyway your features are good. Good luck with you server mate i will enjoy




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