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PC Problem


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Hello guys before 2-3 days my pc fucked up somehow.When i open Lineage or League of Legends after some mins (10-20) my pc do force restart.I just need to know which part of my computer fucked up ex.Power supply xD

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Its not the dust..



MotherBoard 25C

HardDrive 20C


Your PC does restart only when you play something? When you surf on internet it's ok?

Check the temperature again after 10 mins of playing l2...

Maybe does restart from software not from hardware

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My pc dont restart when iam surfing on internet..I think its my power supply problem


Maybe.... or is a problem of your graphic card drivers, reinstall them...

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Maybe.... or is a problem of your graphic card drivers, reinstall them...

I dont think so..Cause sometimes when my pc do force restart a weird noise come out of my power supply.
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if u gonna say one more time ''i dont think so'' when u are the one who ask for assistance im gonna paint blue ur pc and drop it in da sea as i said in my 1st post





just do what the dudes saying  :rage:

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I dont think so..Cause sometimes when my pc do force restart a weird noise come out of my power supply.


Are you sure it's from power supply? or from power supply's cool fan...

If you think power supply have a problem take another one from an other computer and try it.


-.- cant be  from g.card .. yeah i smell supply


I had almost a same problem and it was the driver from graphic card...

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