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Retail Buff on Olympiad



Maxcheaters Hello community, I'm looking for is simple, I put on my server I have two hours to buff both song and dances, what I do is that so Olympiads or entering the stadium the buff Duren the original time

7 answers to this question

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what I say, are the chars buff themselves, examples Songs dances

Couldn't understand, damn google translator :D


There must be something which can edit the options inside of the olympiad?

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I'm saying is, in my server's buff to 2 hours right? Olympiads Well when entering a character such as a Swordmuse, he uses his own buff and last one hour, what I want is to get the buff with original time

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I'm saying is, in my server's buff to 2 hours right? Olympiads Well when entering a character such as a Swordmuse, he uses his own buff and last one hour, what I want is to get the buff with original time

I know what u mean.

Check what I replied.


There must be something that u can disable that 2h buff in olympiad.

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Olympiad Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The defaults are set to be retail-like.
# If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like.
# Warning: 
# Please take extreme caution when changing anything.
# Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18) 
# Default: 18
AltOlyStartTime = 20

# Olympiad End Period Date - day(s) of month
# (e.g. 1,15 would mean oly period ends every 1st and 15th day of month)
# Default: 1,15
AltOlyEndDate =  1,15

# Olympiad End Period Time - in format hh:mm:ss (24 hours format)
# Default: 10:00:00
AltOlyEndHour = 10:00:00

# Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.
# Default: 00
AltOlyMin = 00

# Olympiad Competition Period, Default 6 hours.
# (If set different, should be increment by 10mins)
# Default: 21600000
AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000

# Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes.
# Default: 360000
AltOlyBattle = 360000

# Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week
# Used for adding points to nobles
# Default: 604800000
AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000

# Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours.
# Default: 86400000
AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000

# Required number of participants for Classed and Non-Classed matches, Default 5 & 9
# Default: 5
AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5

# Default: 9
AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 6

# Number used for displaying amount of registered participants, messages "Fewer than ..." or "More than ...".
# 0 for displaying digits instead of text phrase (old style).
# Default: 100
AltOlyRegistrationDisplayNumber = 0

# Olympiad battle winner reward for class and non-class games.
# Default: 13722
AltOlyBattleRewItem = 13722

# Default: 50
AltOlyClassedRewItemCount = 50

# Default: 40
AltOlyNonClassedRewItemCount = 40

# ItemId for this reward.
# Default: 13722
AltOlyCompRewItem = 13722

# Rate to exchange points to reward item.
# Default: 1000
AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000

# Noblesse points awarded to Heros.
# Default: 180
AltOlyHeroPoints = 180

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 1 members.
# Default: 120
AltOlyRank1Points = 120

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 2 members.
# Default: 80
AltOlyRank2Points = 80

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 3 members.
# Default: 55
AltOlyRank3Points = 55

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 4 members.
# Default: 35
AltOlyRank4Points = 35

# Noblesse points awarded to Rank 5 members.
# Default: 20
AltOlyRank5Points = 20

# Maximum points that player can gain/lose on a match.
# Default: 10
AltOlyMaxPoints = 10

# Hero tables show last month's winners or current status.
# Default: True
AltOlyShowMonthlyWinners = True

# Olympiad Managers announce each start of fight.
# Default: True
AltOlyAnnounceGames = True

# Deny dual boxes in Olympiad
# Default: False
AltOlyNoDualbox = False

# Restrict specified items in Olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. 1,200,350)
# Default: 0
AltOlyRestrictedItems = 0

# Enchant limit for items during Olympiad battles. Disabled = -1.
# Default: -1
AltOlyEnchantLimit = -1

# Log all Olympiad fights and outcome to olympiad.csv file.
# Default: False
AltOlyLogFights = False

# Time to wait before teleported to arena.
# Possible choices are: 120, 60, 30, 15, or 5.
# If any other number is entered, the time will be set to 120 seconds.
# Default: 120
AltOlyWaitTime = 120

In only cfg, no

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kadabra: Please do not post unless you know what you are talking about. This section is not L2J, it is L2OFF and they are two completely different things.

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