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hellbound High Five [retail modded L2J] H5 War For Redemption x15


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Im glad to see people hating stalone and his "friends" just like i do . This kind of person must be banned not to ever  open a server . Stalone is for l2 what was osama for americans just a disease . Maybe u will end up like him if u keep it this way .

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Silver is not this crap.Like i said this was 100% fail . At least silver is geting ddos protection and are trusty admins who last time hold server for months and months. Good or bad they had 2k + people on it and they get my attention now. Not this crap of  stalone server remake 1000 server. Next time he will make server l2stalone and say its not him .

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There was too much lag/delay at our tests so:

In order not to have any more surprises, we postpone the server's launch to tommorow: Saturday 23/02 @ 16:00 GMT+1.

Till then we ll work and test it so there wont be any more lag/delays. In the meanwhile, providing some info about what is going to happen, is that we are changing our ddos-protection company. This one proved to be with bad connection and ppl suffer from delay/lag. We are buying from other company. All should be ready within a few hours, though we ll move Launch for tommorow, so we can test it 100%.

Thanks everyone for their tolerance and understanding.


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i`m say previos time about astaroth and will repeat it again !!! Stalone this to run server its easy everyone can read totorial and make it but its hard to start it without good or experience devaloper team u miss it well team for collect donation its ok but for manage server its : 0

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