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[L2J] Echokinetics 500x Rebirth Live 22.02.2013

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I cant find something unique , i dont wanna be hater i have server bla bla

i just wanna say my opinion , Rank system is shared here ... also nice NPCs doesnt change

C6 Fail balance and FAIL gameplay


i havent test your server i hope u work hard for that .


DOnt forget this anychange on  buff time and add mana potions = 0 % balance


Good luck anyway :)




I cant find something unique , i dont wanna be hater i have server bla bla

i just wanna say my opinion , Rank system is shared here ... also nice NPCs doesnt change

C6 Fail balance and FAIL gameplay


i havent test your server i hope u work hard for that .


DOnt forget this anychange on  buff time and add mana potions = 0 % balance


Good luck anyway :)

Balance totally reworked.

Mana potions in pvp disabled (usage of mana drugs instead).

Only general buffs from flute. Char buffs 5 minutes (also changed buff stats).


Balance totally reworked.

Mana potions in pvp disabled (usage of mana drugs instead).

Only general buffs from flute. Char buffs 5 minutes (also changed buff stats).

hiuhihu Nice


up for a nice serveri and good wars

Maybe bad server.and no wars.Cause Server Totally Failed.PRO JAVA DEVELOPERS WORKİNG WİTH CRAFT SYSTEM..

max 120 player..


Thought I would login for a look as the old eko was some good times but the updater fails after downloading engine.u? Or something like that it fails to extract due to corruption.


Maybe bad server.and no wars.Cause Server Totally Failed.PRO JAVA DEVELOPERS WORKİNG WİTH CRAFT SYSTEM..

max 120 player..

u still dont get it huh? gtfo seriously and play on your pew pew star wars entertainment pro vesper armor war server :D




updater was under construction some minutes ago (new files uploaded). Full check now :)


Edit: Be sure to have a fresh installed interlude client.


u still dont get it huh? gtfo seriously and play on your pew pew star wars entertainment pro vesper armor war server :D




updater was under construction some minutes ago (new files uploaded). Full check now :)


Edit: Be sure to have a fresh installed interlude client.

We will see Grand Opening After :) I think you will starting cry with 50 player ...


Maybe bad server.and no wars.Cause Server Totally Failed.PRO JAVA DEVELOPERS WORKİNG WİTH CRAFT SYSTEM..

max 120 player..

Sid Please don't insult Java server's because you don't have play something other expect java before.

At all ,lol dude ? you are not boring of playing same shit servers always ?

Like make 5 minute farm and stay afk in giran for the vote reward ? its not that ussele's ?

Gosh i whish good luck in the server because i want to play something diferent .


SiD ofc i will waite you inside .



Sid Please don't insult Java server's because you don't have play something other expect java before.

At all ,lol dude ? you are not boring of playing same shit servers always ?

Like make 5 minute farm and stay afk in giran for the vote reward ? its not that ussele's ?

Gosh i whish good luck in the server because i want to play something diferent .


SiD ofc i will waite you inside .


I don't insult L2JAVA Servers.I say only my opinion about this server.I don't like javas with craft mid rate or hight rate same for me.JUST FUNNY !

Secondly I'm out from javas 3-4 month ago. I'm searching L2 OFF Files midrate style .i'm find 1 L2FANTASTİC but you're make ddos attack np.

Last, Sorry but i won't join this server..Reason < [L2J]FROZEN  OR ANOTHER SH1T FAIL 1 PACK +CRAFT... > IT's HIGHT RATE NOT Mid.. I don't want losed time with CRAFT İN JAVAS.

Result: gL with ur clam + server.


I don't insult L2JAVA Servers.I say only my opinion about this server.I don't like javas with craft mid rate or hight rate same for me.JUST FUNNY !

Secondly I'm out from javas 3-4 month ago. I'm searching L2 OFF Files midrate style .i'm find 1 L2FANTASTİC but you're make ddos attack np.

Last, Sorry but i won't join this server..Reason < [L2J]FROZEN  OR ANOTHER SH1T FAIL 1 PACK +CRAFT... > IT's HIGHT RATE NOT Mid.. I don't want losed time with CRAFT İN JAVAS.

Result: gL with ur clam + server.


About High Craft and dat ,ofc its a goodish idea .

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