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champions about :65


rune page:2 ad and ap




very nice elo and on all ....5VS5 AND 3VS5  SEE some photos



width=1024 height=635http://oi45.tinypic.com/2v0ois6.jpg[/img]

width=1024 height=638http://oi48.tinypic.com/2wltr3r.jpg[/img]

width=1024 height=637http://oi50.tinypic.com/eu3894.jpg[/img]

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, how can i make the IA do subclass with the mimir's elixir item and class condition? Because my server throw an error who saids u need fate whisper's quest to make it.






and when i do subclass sometimes l2npc throw this:


width=960 height=768http://i47.tinypic.com/10nasgh.jpg[/img]


if u want the IA code i will post it below.


(one of all grandmasters IA)


Welcome to Elix-GamerS NetWork Consider yourself lucky since you've just found the BEST private L2 server. We are constantly in development and have an load of working features. Not to mention VERY active GM and DEV teams.






* Experience: x5000

* Sp Experience: x5000

* Party Experience: x100

* Party Sp Experience: x150

* Adena: x8000

* Consumable Cost: 1

* Drop Item Karma: x30




* Safe : +4

* Max For Weapon : +18

* Max For Armor    : +16

* Max For Jewels  : +16

* Max For Weapon With Elix-Scroll : +20

* Max For Armor    With Elix-Scroll : +18

* Max For Jewels  With Elix-Scroll : +18


* Normal  Scroll Enchant Rate  : 60%

* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate  : 100%

* Elix  -  Scroll Enchant Rate Weapon  : 18 > 19 : 50% , 19 > 20 : 40%

* Elix  -  Scroll Enchant Rate Armor  : 16 > 17 : 50% , 17 > 18 : 40%




* 34+4 Buff Slots

* All resists are removed from player buffers, you can use it only from NPC buffer!

* Extra Buffs are Available with Vote Reward Items.






* C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 99%

* Fishing

* Seven Signs

* Castle Sieges

* Clan Hall Sieges

* Noblesses & Heroes System

* Max Level 80

* All Quests

* Clan Wars

* C5/Interlude Clan System

* Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)

* Cursed weapons

* Weapon Augmentations

* Dueling System

* All C4/C5/Interlude Skills

* Custom Raids

* Olympiad 100% Retail like

* Vote Rewards Only 1 Box

* 100% Retail like gameplay without any customs

* Flawless Geodata

* Active and experienced development/GMteam!

* No corruptions!

* NO LAG!!!

* 100% Uptime

* International community

* New character start with 1kkk adena

* Max Subclasses = 5

* Max Alliances = 3

* All active/passive augments are fully working! 1 active & 1 passive stuck only

* All flood protections

* Custom Start up zone

* Elix-GamerS Lifestone Chance : 15%






* Retail Like

* Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week







* Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 10 Has Color Name And Title Name


Elix-Blue Bar System


* You can push double click on adenas and you create Gbs. You can push double click on Gbs and you create Adenas.


Anti - Feed System


* AntiFeed Pvp (This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points)

* AntiFeed Dualbox (kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points)

* AntiFeed Disconnected As Dualbox (unable to determine ip address)

* AntiFeed Interval (If character died faster than timeout pvp/pk points for killer will not increase)


Killing Spree System


* Sends messages to players with more than 4 kills in a row. Announcements at: 25/50/75/100 kills in a row.


Away System


* Allows Players to change status .away .back


Offline Traders


* Logging out while in private store your character remains online selling and you can't move and you can't take the rewards from voting.


Rec Item


* You can get 255 recs from this item and you can get it from vote reward npc.


Hero Skills System


* You can have your hero skills on subclass.


Daily Pvp Mod


* Every day at 00:00 GMT+2 the daily pvp ends If you are first on the top list of daily pvp you will receive 2 Ls 11% as reward.




* Top PvP/PK Player

* Castle Lord

* Heros

* Curretly Online Players

* Top Daily Pvp Player/Pk Player




* Shout Chat With 200 Pvp

* Trade Chat with 100 Pvp

* Global Pvp Chat (Unique Mode) 6000 Pvp ( with that mode you can speak with Lime Blue color and all server can see what you write on char)


Anti-Buff Skill


* Blocks any kind of buff.


Teleport Protection


* Flagged players can't teleport creating more pvp action.



Mana Potion(Unique)


* Mp Mode ( With that mode in towns can use normal mp= 1000 But on pvps mps give 300 mp Only )


Vote Reward System (Unique)


* Vote reward system (if you push .votereward you have 1 minute to vote on TopZone + HopZone, if you complete the voting you will be rewarded x2 from the main voting system)






* Global Gatekeeper

* Gm Shop

* Custom Gm Shop

* Buffer

* Augmenter

* Wedding Manager

* Server Info

* Donation Manager

* Siege informer

* Clan War manager

* Clan Hall Manager

* Clan Manager

* Olympiad Manager

* Class Manager

* Skill Enchanter

* Vote Reward NPC

* Top Stats Manager

* Sub Class Changers

* Nobless Manager

* Account Manager

* Symbol Manager

* Trader

* Casino Club

* Raid Boss Manager





* Farm Area A : Festival Adena              Unique Mode to see how much players inside

* Farm Area B : Adena                        Unique Mode to see how much players inside


* Pvp (MASS) Unique Mode to see how much players inside





Custom Raids


* Epic Boss Drops : 3 Weapon / Armor Elix - Scrolls, 15 LifeStones LvL76, 30.000 Elix Festival Adena


* Easy Boss Drops  : 15.000 Elix Festival Adena, 20 Secret Book of Giants, 20 Elix Blue Bars, 5 LifeStones LvL76


* Hard Boss Drops : 25.000 Elix Festival Adena, 15 Secret Book of Giants, 10 LifeStone LvL76



Respawn Time For Custom Raid Bosses



* Epic      Boss  Have 12 Hours ReSpawn Time


* Easy    Boss  Have 3  Hours  ReSpawn Time


* Hard    Boss  Have 6 Hours ReSpawn Time




NOTICE THAT : For can you teloport to Custom Raid Bosses you need 150 Pc Bang Points ( Per Teleport )





*TvT Event: It's a team vs team event. You have to fight against the other team and kill 'em all. Price's: 1.000 Elix Festival Adena & 2 LifeStones LvL76 if you are the Top Killer. if you are the Top Killer


*CTF Event: Capture the flag and defeat your opponents! Price's: 1.500 Elix Festival Adena & 2 LifeStones LvL76


*Clan War Event: In this event you can take your clan and request a war against any clan you want any time you want. Note that your clan must be at least 5 level and you must have at least 20 clan members. Once you make the request, you will have to wait until the opponent leader approves! If he approves then it's up to you and your mates to beat 'em and win the prizes! Price's: 25.000 Reputation Points.


*Strider Race Event: It's a race with striders. Try to run faster than everyone else and finish before the others! Price's: 1st: 5 LifeStones LvL76 2nd: 1 Rec Item 3rd: 15 Book Of Giant


*Treasure Chest Event: Try to find as much lucky chests as possible. Only 5 out of the 300 chests are lucky chests. Price's: 1/5: 20 Elix Blue Bars 2/5: 1500 Elix Festival Adena & 10 Elix Blue Bars 3/5: 3000 Elix Festival Adena 4/5: 5000 Elix Festival Adena & 2 LifeStones LvL76 5/5: 5000 Elix Festival Adena & 10 LifeStones LvL76


*Quiz Event: Find the correct answer on our quiz and win prizes! Price's: Randoms Items


* Duel Event 1vs1: Fight 1vs1 matches against 40 participants, if you win you move to the next round, if you lose you get disqualified and kicked from the event. The last man standing in the final round wins the event! Price's : 1st: 2 Weapon/Armor Elix Scroll & 10 LifeStones LvL76 2nd: 1 Weapon/Armor Elix Scroll & 5 LifeStones LvL76



* Server War Event: Every Saturday everyone in the server goes crazy, since the whole server gets seperated into 2 teams (Red & Blue). The teams fight with each other, even inside towns and the top 3 PvPers from each team get rewarded! Price's: 1st: 3 Weapon/Armor Elix Scrolls & 5 LifeStones LvL76 2nd: 2 Weapon/Armor Elix Scrolls & 4 LifeStones LvL76 3rd: 1 Weapon/Armor Elix Scrolls & 3 LifeStones LvL76





* .pmlog: Shows the past weeks personal conversations.

* .report: Report a player who you think is botting.

* .joinevent: Join any of the currently running event.

* .leaveevent: Leave any of the currently running event.

* .answer1/.answer2/.answer3: Pick an answer at the Quiz event.

* .chest: Teleport to antharas' nest where Treasure Chest Event is taking place.

* .away: Sets your status to away signifying you are afk.

* .back: Sets your status back.

* .stat(You can see stat of other player)

* .ipblock(You can block from somoen to pm/trade/more)

* .teleport ( You can make a teleport on siege time ]





* HD *


* Intel Xeon E5650 6/12 * 2,66 GHz

* 34 GB DDR3 ECC Registered

* 120 GB SSD 560 / 515 MB/s - 2TB 7200 PRM

* Unlimited GB inklusive / Flat

* Onboard / Software RAID

* 2 - 8 Port Controller

* 1000MBit FD Fast-Ethernet Anschluss

* 10,000MBit Full Duplex optional

* Geswitchtes Netzwerk

* Keine Kollisionsnetze

* 2 IP Adressen pro Server inkl.

* RIPE-Antrag fur mehr als 5 IP-Adressen


* SW *


* Linux Debian 6.0 Last Version




* DDoS Protection , GRE Tunneling Over IpSec, Filter 65.000.000 Mpps - 50Gb's

* LameGuard Protection (Phx-Walker-Hlapex-L2Net)





Our Web Site : www.elix-gamers.net


Our Forum :www.elix-gamers.net/forum





* Main E-mail For Support : support@elix-gamers.net


* Main E-mail For Administrator : admin@elix-gamers.net


* Skype : elix.gamers


* MSN    : elix-gamers@hotmail.com


* Donate Support : donate@elix-gamers.net ( you can send a e-mail only when donations will be available on server. )


* FACEBOOK Profile :


* FACEBOOK Fun Page :





GRAND OPENNING 3.11.2012 18:00 GMT +2 

Server based and running on L2J. It's our own project, we've been running this pack and we've been testing it for 2 years! For any problem in game please contact us for help! Register on Forum for more information. @ Elix-GamerS NetWork

  • 2 weeks later...

Χαιρετώ όλους, ας μπω στο θέμα Έχω πρόβλημα με τιιν access level στο Gracia Final, βάζω τα accesslevel στο χαρακτήρα και μπαίνω Από την στιγμή που μπω πατάω //gmshop //kill //heal  η κάποια άλλη εντολή άλλα μου εμφανίζει αυτό εδώ




Μετά πάω στο navicat και βλέπω ότι τα accesslevel  πάλι είναι 0... Αυτί την διαδικασία επί πολλές φορές την έκανα άλλα συνεχεία μου αλλάζει τα accesslevel αφού μπω με τον χαρακτήρα μου......


Well I bring the drop of mobs panel for darule player is the one I e areglao little credits are sullos but as people get erroes wing and lacks things fit and finish and aregarlo etc.


Imagenes :





game\data\scripts\handlers -> MasterHandler


import handlers.bypasshandlers.VoiceCommand;
import handlers.bypasshandlers.Wear;
+import handlers.bypasshandlers.DropInfo;


	BypassHandler.getInstance().registerBypassHandler(new VoiceCommand());
	BypassHandler.getInstance().registerBypassHandler(new Wear());
+		BypassHandler.getInstance().registerBypassHandler(new DropInfo());







Website: www.l2cnet.com

Forum: www.l2cnet.com/forum



# XP: x45

# SP: x45

# Drop: x7

# Spoil: x25

# Adena: x300

# Quest Drop: x15

# Quest Reward: x5

# Quest Exp/Sp Reward: x3

# Quest Adena Reward: x5

# Raid Boss drop: x5

# Grand Boss drop: x1

# Manor: x3

# Rate Extract Fish: x3

# Max Enchant +16

# Safe Enchant +3

# Normall Enchant: 7%

# Blessed Enchant: 80%

# High Life Stone chance: 15%

# Top Life Stone chance: 25%

# Auguments Dosen't stuck!


#Antharas = 96h+12-12

#Valakas = 128h+16-16

#Baium = 72h+8-8

#Queen Ant = 24h+4-4

#Zaken = 48h+6-6

#Frintezza = 72h+8-8


Solo Farm Zones:

-Cave of Trials

Raid Boss Zones:

They got respawn every 12h.


# Max buffs: 28+4;

# Most of the buffs

# Includes a scheme buffer where you can manage your own buff sets.

# Restore Option too

# All buffs are free.

# Buff Time 2h.


# Up to S Weapons, armors, Jewels

# Shots, Potions, Consumables

# Quest items for Clan level 3, 4, 5, & others.

# Pets, Event reward items & more...

# Custom Clan Reputation Item


# 1st class transfer - FREE.

# 2nd class transfer - FREE.

# 3rd class transfer - FREE.


# Auto Event: TvT

# Events managed by the GMs

# Sub-classes are without quest. Max 3 subclasses are allowed. Max level for a subclass is 80.

# All skills are auto-learned.

# Custom Name Color Sistem(color change on 100,500,1000,2500,5000 pvps)

# Custom NPC for ranking the top pvp/pk

# Global Gatekeeper with important teleports

# Custom Skill Enchanter NPC

# Custom Rework into mage system


# Clan war rewards increased.

# Clan Members needed to lvl up clan is now decresed (5,10,15 for lvl 6,7,8)

# Clan Members needed to declare war is now set to 5


# Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks

# skills are reused after teleport on stadion,

# fully worked observation system, including switching between stadion without back to village,

# teleport back to town right after match end,



# CPU: AMD Athlon™ II X4 (Quad-Core)

# RAM: 12 GB DDR3

# HD: 1TB

# TRAFFIC: Unmetered

# UPLINK: 1 GBit (100 Mbps Upload Speed)

# UpTime 100%




Website: www.l2cnet.com

Forum: www.l2cnet.com/forum


For Suggestions post here or in server forum

Server is not mine , I just posted he's server on maxcheaters.

Don't talk about server features here because he's not watching mxc.:P

  • 2 weeks later...


Help me find a mod on interlude l2jfrozen

in for a specific trade zone can trade players, and in the same area is NPC that indexes items that are on sale \ buying players.

Run up to the NPC and click the list B armor and it gives you all the names of the players who sell armor b(example avadon robe) and price



Γεια σας παιδιά.. Θέλω να σας δείξω πρώτα απ'όλα πως ανοίγουμε τα port σε windows 8. Είναι ίδιο με τα windows 7.

Βήμα 1ο

Ανοίγουμε τον Πίνακα ελέγχου και μετά το Τείχος Προστασίας των windows.


Βήμα 2ο

Κάνουμε κλικ στο ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους!

width=1024 height=575http://i48.tinypic.com/zoater.jpg[/img]

Βήμα 3ο

Κάνουμε κλικ στο Κανόνες Εισερχομένων κ μετά Δημιουργία κανόνα...

width=1024 height=575http://i48.tinypic.com/a5jclg.jpg[/img]


Λοιπόν.. Το Guide από εδώ κ πέρα δεν χρειάζεται επεξήγηση παρά μόνο εικόνες!


width=1024 height=575http://i48.tinypic.com/2m5c5rs.jpg[/img]






width=1024 height=575http://i47.tinypic.com/2vwhf1h.jpg[/img]




Τώρα κάνουμε το ίδιο κ στα port 2106, 9014, 80 αλλα ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! τα ανοίγουμε και σε TCP και σε UDP.




Track List:




02.Gimme Money (Ft.Ester Dean)

03.Marilyn Monroe

04.Young Forever

05.Give Me All Your Luv

06.2012 (Ft. Jay Sean)

07.Make Me Proud (Ft.Drake)

08.Azz (Ft. Big Sean & Young Jeezy)

09.You The Boss (Ft. Rick Ross)

10.Y.U. Mad (Ft. Birdman & Lil Wayne)

11.Fireball (Ft. Willow Smith)

12.Turn Me On

13.We Miss You

14.Feel Inside (Ft.Mary J Blige)

15.I Love You

16.Top Of The World

17.Catch Me



Download nicki.minaj.insecure.2012.full.album]Here



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    • ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1: ✅ https://harbor.elmorelab.com ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1 - is an exclusive server of the Eternal C1 chronicles from the top project ElmoreLab Harbor.   A unique server of its kind, on which everyone will have maximum pleasure, such as oldschool players who dream of nostalgia and to feel the warmest and classic C1 chronicles, as well as experienced players who are tired of thousands unbalanced servers of late chronicles. Due to the professional corrections of the balance system and the HONEST gameplay system - on this server, EVERY player will feel like in their own, warm and cozy Harbor C1. Let's return to the origins of L2 - back to 2004 in C1! ❤️   ⭐ Server characteristics:   STRICTLY 1 window, NO BOXES Bans for RMT and bots/cheats No donations with benefits Unique and high-quality PTS-build from Master Toma Professional corrections and full class-balance Reworked economy and closed all abuses Improved animations and all aspects of the game Exclusive HD-client with high-quality textures Experienced administration and management Fixed all bugs, geodata, exploits and holes Maximum sociality due to the 1-box system Discovering, exploring and researching Big online International server Nostalgia and oldschool-feelings   Rates: x1 Server start: 14.02.2025   The server is at the final stages of development and preparation for release. Information on the server will be updated, soon the patchnotes and changes/edits will be posted. Don't miss the legendary and epic experience on the best server in the last 20 years! ❤️ Join our C1-forum with a lot of information about server and active discussions.   ⭐ Website: https://harbor.elmorelab.com   ✅ Forum: https://forum-harbor.elmorelab.com   💥 Telegram: https://t.me/l2harbor https://t.me/l2harbor_chat   ⚡ Discord: https://discord.gg/harborelmorelab
    • yeah ok, if you say what is fuctional 100% i can't say something different 😛  but if someone find hard to compile it or get vs and all that things i have here one more simple way here to put overlay in your own server or to change your window name with few money.
    • I've been using this for 2 years now with no issues from Discord. I don't use ogg.dll either. This one works with any l2.exe too; I don’t see any difference between them.
    • hmm.. ok i just see that, is different code first of all. My sources is totally different based in other way, with else libraries.  I have access to modify everything even to make the clock to stop show how many time users play in server. 1) so maybe keep some personal info more hide. 2) i dont use ogg.dll 3) i create it and give it ready + support to install it. Plus what is mine can working with what ever .exe you want not just l2 with same simple method. And i am sure if you try this source to compile it, after 3 hours discord will like shadowban your API too thats my source
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