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[HELP] UI Ideas



Hey everybody! I've started l2j development again (nice to see maybe the 2 people who will remember me).


Either way one of the next things I'm planning on implementing is permanent death (much like roguelikes).


Something I made a while ago was player graves. When players died all of their SP and Adena was removed from the player and attached to the grave. I was going to try to implement something like dark souls where if you die, your death site will have your remains and you have once chance to get back to it. If you died again with an active grave, the grave disappeared:



I've come back with this idea except I'm reworking it to add permanent death to players. So I've thought about:


1) Reporting the name of the player that deceased along with his/her level.

2) Reporting a list of items the player had on their possession when they died


Something like, this!


FYI the count for stackable items is corrected, little logic bug when working with the counts



You'll notice theres a 3 next to the Drac bow. I have a custom implemention of a grave item which'll store an item definition along with a quantity so I can neatly stack non-stackable items in a list. When they are returned from the grave it'll be converted into an L2ItemInstance:

public class _L2GraveItem
private int _count;
private L2Item _item;

public _L2GraveItem(int count, L2Item item)
	_count = count;
	_item = item;

public int getCount()   { return _count; }
public L2Item getItem() { return _item; }

public void setCount(int count) { this._count = count; }

public L2ItemInstance removeStackableItem(int count)
	if(count < 1 || count > this._count)
		return null;

	count -= this._count;
	return _createNewItemInstance();

public L2ItemInstance removeItem()
	return _createNewItemInstance();

private L2ItemInstance _createNewItemInstance()
	L2ItemInstance item = new L2ItemInstance( IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), this._item );
	return item;


I'll share because I love you guys, even though I don't know you. Theres obviously way more to it but it's too much to share.



Either way what I'm asking is ideas for creating an interface with the limited options of chat windows or multisells.

As of now I have a list I manually programmed in with a link between an item ID and it's icon on the client. I'm wondering what you guys might find better:


1) A chat window with a button allowing you to take the weapon (with condition checks of course such as if the item is still there and if you can hold it)




2) The grave will have a link to a generated unique multisell which will contain definitions of the items that exist on the grave when the player selects it. The grave will then instead just have a bunch of information about the player.


Whatca guys think? If you have other ideas say it :)


Also I'm using L2acis freemium build 270, thanks Tryskell and the l2acis team :P

4 answers to this question

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Hey dpbBryan, nice to see you back !


I don't think inventory is a 'must-have' (not even interesting) feature on a grave, I will go straight for stats like "best..." :

  • pk kill streak
  • pvp kill streak
  • overall online time
  • overall pvp count
  • overall pk count


And the most obvious for such a system : killed by (list of ppl participating to the death, and overall a-beep-t of damage).


For such a system you should also add a delay on "restart/logout" to avoid carebears. DayZ players know what I mean :P.


About the HTM implementation I would use a static HTM with those buttons :

  • General : would handle all general infos : sex level race class...
  • Best stats : see my list above, eventually find even more of them.
  • Killer : the complete list would eventually be big, so one full page won't be too much.
  • Inventory: if you really, really like the idea...


That static HTM would be loaded and added to dynamic content when you push one of the button. So let's say you got %dynamic_content% variable which will be replaced when you push one button or the other. About buttons themselves, see //admin panel top.

  • 0

Hey dpbBryan, nice to see you back !


I don't think inventory is a 'must-have' (not even interesting) feature on a grave, I will go straight for stats like "best..." :

  • pk kill streak
  • pvp kill streak
  • overall online time
  • overall pvp count
  • overall pk count


And the most obvious for such a system : killed by (list of ppl participating to the death, and overall a-beep-t of damage).


For such a system you should also add a delay on "restart/logout" to avoid carebears. DayZ players know what I mean :P.


About the HTM implementation I would use a static HTM with those buttons :

  • General : would handle all general infos : sex level race class...
  • Best stats : see my list above, eventually find even more of them.
  • Killer : the complete list would eventually be big, so one full page won't be too much.
  • Inventory: if you really, really like the idea...


That static HTM would be loaded and added to dynamic content when you push one of the button. So let's say you got %dynamic_content% variable which will be replaced when you push one button or the other. About buttons themselves, see //admin panel top.


Well once again I'm going for those odd features that most L2'ers wouldn't like. I'm going for experimental features that I've got some real-life friends willing to help test out. I've been absolutely addicted as well to the roguelike genre like the dwarf fortress adventure mode, elona, or ToME.


One of the other features I'm implementing as well is permanent death of a character. If you die your character becomes unplayable ( I haven't come up with whether it'll be like diablo where a character exists but can't be played or just deleting the character all together ). The point of the grave is because after you die you won't be needing whatever items anyway, you're dead! I do like displaying the killer, or maybe perhaps not to add a mysterious roleplaying element of who-dun-it.


Either way my focus goggles are indeed on the items mostly only :P Disregardless of their bigger picture image or the implementation with L2, I'd just like to find a nice presentation that isn't too complex within the means of what I can present in L2. Perhaps just making the icons clickable buttons?

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I don't know if the whole inventory description is really useful, I would personally use a borderless table to simulate the presentation of inventory, and only put images. It's enough in 99% cases to know what the guy was using. The only useful description would be the wepaon used, with augment if any and enchant if any.


In term of priorities, seeing who made the most damage and ratio compared to overall damage is far more funny/useful to watch on a grave. Just personal opinion.


If you want the whole inventory, don't use images cause it will become boring to read if the guy had 100 items. See what happens with only 7...

  • 0

I don't know if the whole inventory description is really useful, I would personally use a borderless table to simulate the presentation of inventory, and only put images. It's enough in 99% cases to know what the guy was using. The only useful description would be the wepaon used, with augment if any and enchant if any.


In term of priorities, seeing who made the most damage and ratio compared to overall damage is far more funny/useful to watch on a grave. Just personal opinion.


If you want the whole inventory, don't use images cause it will become boring to read if the guy had 100 items. See what happens with only 7...


Well there is a weight limit and on top of that the inventory limit for each character (80 items on humans at least). Also it's setup so non-stackable items can be stacked to be presentable and keep a smaller list to search through. 17jasA8.png


I think what I'll do is adapt the table of just icons, and underneath it display a number representing the quantity and a small button next to it perhaps, like if I make a mockup:


That start be either a lnk or a button to take everything, clicking the icon takes 1


By the way the html replacement you talk about is how I implemented the list already :P I just have worked on the details.

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