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high five [L2J]L2Naiad


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Ronda is a kid who got banned because of flamming the gm staff:P


you did deserve it! and if am not mistaken you did come back right?:P abc forum account in game char :P ahhahaha still fully restarded!



and o ya i never seen 300 clan in de server!

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Since he banned my on such thin basis yea I'll act childish or whatever, just telling people here how the server really is.


Then the issue is yours and TRex's.


But I do know that the server is great and personally I never had an issue with TRex.


So what you post here is just your deranged opinion which is clearly subjective, obviously stated by your anger for TRex.


You keep acting childish dude...

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Oh and Obesession if you've never seen 300 clan ingame you're probably a random ghost who joined long after the wipe:)


If there are 300 clans for real, that doesn't mean that they are active also ^^

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Anyway what about Kraven taking duelist hero and giving away stuff? Only know he gave Epic Naiad Mask to Jaua, what do I know if he gave stuff to others too.


If you have proof of what you are saying then you should report this to CoRe.


But what you are doing?


You are logging in an advertising forum and you try to give the WHOLE server a bad reputation because you was banned.


And because I am playing here and a lot of other people I find what you are doing childish and selfish.


You are pathetic..

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