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Translate request

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[glow=red,2,300]I found this in Rus forum  and i would like that somebody could translate it[/glow]


Способ работает на серверах с установленной шифрацией, и где в списке "плохого" софта не прописан HxD Hex Editor. Раньше видеогайдов не делал так что строго не судите.

Механика простая - меняем в памяти значение байпасса "bypass _bbsmultisell:XXXXX" и клиент сам посылает серверу запрос, зашифрованный как надо





Спасибо Jumper'у за грамотное модерирование. Для тех кто не верит что видео моё - моя учетка на жуках регана в 2009г. Видео же датировано 2012 годом.

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Why dont you try in Google translate?:DD

Btw i did it and thats the result:

The method works on servers running encryption, and where in the list of "bad" software is not written HxD Hex Editor. Earlier videogaydov did so strictly do not judge.

Mechanic simple - change the value in the memory bypass "bypass _bbsmultisell: XXXXX" and the client sends a request to the server is encrypted as it is necessary

Thanks for Jumper'u competent moderation. For those who do not believe that video is my - my uchetka on beetles Regan in 2009. Video is dated 2012.

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  • 3 months later...

The correct translation is this one if you have any special doubt about russian language pm me


A method is running on servers with the encryption, and where in the list "bad" organizer is not bankrupted-Hex Editor. Before видеогаидов did not do so that it is strictly not judge. Operator easy - changing the value in the memory баипасса "bypass" _bbsmultisell:XXXXX" and a customer sends a request to the server, as well as encrypted must be Video



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