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[Help]CsGo hacks and console commands


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Hi guys i was wondering if there is any hack for CsGo  and second i want to ask if someone can give me the console commands for editing your target-aim..I mean how to do it smaller etc..And what target - aim style is better for you :)

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About the hacks i dont think you can find now maybe after 1 years you will find.

About the crosshair look this:

crosshair "1" //Display crosshair (1=enabled, 0=disabled)

cl_crosshairstyle "1" //Crosshair style (1=csgo, 2=classic static cs, 3=classic dynamic cs)

cl_crosshairusealpha "1" //Alpha on your crosshair (1=enabled, 0=disabled)

cl_crosshairalpha "200" //Alpha setting between 0-200 (0=transparent, 200=solid) - to work cl_crosshairusealpha "1"


cl_crosshaircolor "0" //Crosshair colour override (1=enabled, 0=disabled) - to work cl_crosshairstyle "2" or "3"

cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"//Amount of blue colour in your cross - to work cl_crosshaircolor "0"

cl_crosshaircolor_g "250" //Amount of green colour in your cross - to work cl_crosshaircolor "0"

cl_crosshaircolor_r "0" //Amount of red colour in your cross - to work cl_crosshaircolor "0"



cl_crosshairgap "0" //Increases the gap between crosshair and centre point

cl_scalecrosshair "1"

cl_crosshairscale "1"

cl_crosshairsize "5" //Increases the size of your crosshair

cl_crosshairthickness "1" //Increases the thickness of your crosshair


cl_crosshairdot "0" //Dot in the centre of your crosshair (1=enabled, 0=disabled)

cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"

cl_observercrosshair "0" //Observer crosshair (removes the recoil scaling effects) (1=enabled, 0=disabled)


I prefer the normal crosshair from cs 1.6

Classic static no dynamic.


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Why are you looking for a hack? That's not good bro, just play and be better day by day with your own skillz :-beep- yeah:


I just want to learn if there is any hack cause i see many hacker using on steam .

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yes there are hackers in the game and there are hacks that work on Go right now but i cant give you a link. I can help you about the crosshair though


go here http://www.krisskarbo.com/csgocrosshair/#alpha=200/color=5/color_b=50/color_r=89/color_g=250/dot=0/gap=0/size=5/style=2/usealpha=1/thickness=0.5


and change the values to what u like. when u like the way your crosshair is then c/p the commands and put them in a config file or c/p the line and put it strait to the console.

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  • 1 month later...

just found one csgo hack


Made by brinkz


VAC: Secure


Disclaimer: I will not be responsible for any banned accounts, it is completely up to you if you use hacks.

But if you do, always try to make sure it's undetected and do not use it after any new updates of the game.

In short, if you use hacks, use them cautiously.


If you didn't read this section radioactive monkeys will rape your family, hide your remote, kidnap you and sell you as a sex-slave and make your non-existent girlfriend watch the whole thing.


Use at your own risk.







Configure Cheat via Settings.ini, Alternative.ini only can be loaded ingame.

FPS Drops? Disable some Visual Things like Bone ESP.

What the Settings are doing:
Active: 1 Enables the Aimbot, 0 Disables it
AimType: 0 Off, 1 Aim With Key, 2 Autoaim
AimTime: Time for aiming at the enemy when pressing Aim Key in ms, 0 = all the time
Key: Defines the AimKey
FOV: FieldOfView
Smooth: Smoothing the Aimbot
Bone: Aimspot, Bone 10 is the Head

Type: 0 Off, 1 Key, 2 Auto
Key: Triggerbot Key, see

Delay: Delay After every shoot in ms 0 - unlimited

BoxESP: 1 Draws Rect at Player Positions, 0 Off
Distance: 1 Distance between LocalPlayer & enemy, 0 Off
Weapon: 1 Weapon Enemy uses, 0 Off
Healthbar: 1 Healthbar, 0 Off
BoneESP: 1 Draws a Bone ESP, 0 Off
EnemyOnly: 1 Only Enemys are drawn 0 everybody

Bunnyhop: 1 Holding Space let you jump automatically 0 Off
Crosshair: 1 Draws a Red Crosshair 0 Off
PanicKey: Key for disabling the Visuals





1. Set CS:GO's launchoptions to "-window -noborder"


2. Run as administrator (OR turn of the UAC)

3. Have fun!



1. Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86 and as 64bit user Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x64

2. DirectX Runtime

3. Windows Vista/7/8

4. Turn on AERO

Download Link:

Click Here

Credits: brinkz

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