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ok so i was talking to this guy

and he had his buffers boting

he said to do pm this person and say invite and instantly i got a invite

then he said to pm and say fighter buffs so i did it then i started getting buffs instantly

does any1 know what program it was?

cause i really want to know

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I used to have this kind of buffbot on l2Mafia. I was using L2.net. You can run 10 man oog assisting party too :). Here is the script I used to 10 box pvping. You need to modify it to match your purposes. You could for example make it use fighter buff when pming him "fighter" mage buffs with "mage" or tank buff with "tank". Good luck

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ok so i was talking to this guy

and he had his buffers boting

he said to do pm this person and say invite and instantly i got a invite

then he said to pm and say fighter buffs so i did it then i started getting buffs instantly

does any1 know what program it was?

cause i really want to know


well its a very easy setting at l2 walker!  open l2walker and follow this path:  --->PARTY ---> control setting.

(u r supposed to be logged in with your buffer)  click "recv Request" and at the field "send name" type the name of the char u want to be buffed/healed or w/e... after that type at the field "text" the key word that will triger your buffer to buff.. for expample write "mage buffs" and next to that at the "skills" field type the buff you want your buffer to cast upon u.. for example "acumen", then to the same for every buff u want .. example:


text: mage buffs  skills: berserker spirit      add

text:mage buffs  skills:concentration        add




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