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Hey guys!

i have been playing LoL since june and i have reached a decent level of play..

Tried to join some ranked games,but i realised that ,except those few times that everything goes well, you will have at least 2 guys because of who you loose the game...

My main role is jungling, but...

You really know that if something goes wrong in a game or lane the first one to take the blame is the jungler , then the support..

Known story not gonna continue that.. (not to mention that noone wants to pick a damn tank so i always end up jungling maokai , nunu or something similar)


Since i got a lot of solo top champs , and do not really like other roles (if not needed i do not play mid or adc, got no prob with support),

i thought it would be a good idea to try top lane.

I have played some normals as darius,yorick and some others, but the point is to learn how to build and play shen,malphite and other good solo top champs..


So if you could i would like you to guide me in building shen - malph for top lane (masteries-runes-build)

and also suggest other champs i should play/buy and plz mention how to build them


Thx in advance,



Well i dont really play malph so i cant help with him much , only buy saying Abysal Scepter really strong on him .


So now on Shen . I usually play him with 0/21/9 masteries ( Utility masteries for speed) . My runes usually go Flar armor and MR , AP Quinc . and some AD (in about 8 ) . I dont really got a variety of rune pages so i end up using those . I would use AP Quinc . , Flat armor and mr per level if possible. . but dont own that rune page , and not willing to create one at the moment . Anyway..


Building shen with tabi or mercuries . Wits end , trinity , sunfire , guardian and warmogs or randuins . He really becomes a beast...


Well shen is not my main , and i may have some mistakes on all these , so wait to hear more advices aswell.


i play Shen(when i eventually play him) 9-21 (Giving magic pen and attack speed from the offence masteries)


about builds it depends your enemy and the team needs


from runes i use Hp/level (Seals) Mresist(Glyphs) MS or HP Regen(Quints) Magic Pen(Marks)


Well i dont really play malph so i cant help with him much , only buy saying Abysal Scepter really strong on him .


So now on Shen . I usually play him with 0/21/9 masteries ( Utility masteries for speed) . My runes usually go Flar armor and MR , AP Quinc . and some AD (in about 8 ) . I dont really got a variety of rune pages so i end up using those . I would use AP Quinc . , Flat armor and mr per level if possible. . but dont own that rune page , and not willing to create one at the moment . Anyway..


Building shen with tabi or mercuries . Wits end , trinity , sunfire , guardian and warmogs or randuins . He really becomes a beast...


Well shen is not my main , and i may have some mistakes on all these , so wait to hear more advices aswell.

i play Shen(when i eventually play him) 9-21 (Giving magic pen and attack speed from the offence masteries)


about builds it depends your enemy and the team needs


from runes i use Hp/level (Seals) Mresist(Glyphs) MS or HP Regen(Quints) Magic Pen(Marks)

thx both !


i played a game as shen jungle today.

played 0/21/9 masteries

and runes : ad/armor/mresist/ad


about build i got mercuries - sunfire cape - runic bulwark - wit's end and spirit of the ancient golem


went 4/12/28 .. pretty good i guess :P


w8ing for more replies!!


For jungle Shen you'd better use attack speed runes instead of AD, in order to proc his passive faster and make the most out of Machete.


i must buy those attack speed marks ... usefull on many of the junglers i play such as noc - gp etc



i must buy those attack speed marks ... usefull on many of the junglers i play such as noc - gp etc


They are essential for support junglers like Shen. You might also consider getting MS quints.

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