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[L2J] Lineage II Wicca - OPENING 17/03/2013

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I did not say that our DDoS protection will cost $10k. I merely stated that, in general, for a very effective DDoS protection, prices can climb to $10k.


Stay on-topic, please.

Our Company Protect Lineage.ru aka Skadi With more than 8k+ Online With 600 USD :D

And a lot of other Server's.

If you are Searching for An DDos Company,Leave me a pm Thanks.

Good Luck with your Project.


On behalf of the entire team I wish everyone a happy new year.

As a new years gift we have just released our new website.




Lineage II Wicca


Note that being 100% DDoS-proof costs a fortune (prices can climb up to 10,000$/month!).


Though, yes, we will try our best to protect the server against malicious attacks.  :)




If you are interested for really good and cheap DDoS Protection just PM me.(we also provide 2 days for free as an test).


On behalf of the entire team I wish everyone a happy new year.

As a new years gift we have just released our new website.




Lineage II Wicca


Thats a great Website mate!

happy new year!

Guest Elfocrash

Time to say the wise words of the day.


You probably did good work but i doubt it that people will join that.

I mean for me and you that we wanna see something new running yeah but what about the classic L2 player (or Greeks).

Do you really think they will join and learn the new gameplay you are offering there from scratch?

If you do then i hope you don't  fail that.


Good job, i recommend this server.


(care using the crest packets for the avatar display. it might lead in instability and even a little window for a ddos-like attack. I'm telling you that cuz i coded something similar exactly like facebook but on community board for my pack and it took me ages to debug it and to add porn proof (kids play the game so angry mommies) and other protections.)


Time to say the wise words of the day.


You probably did good work but i doubt it that people will join that.

I mean for me and you that we wanna see something new running yeah but what about the classic L2 player (or Greeks).

Do you really think they will join and learn the new gameplay you are offering there from scratch?

If you do then i hope you don't  fail that.


Good job, i recommend this server.


(care using the crest packets for the avatar display. it might lead in instability and even a little window for a ddos-like attack. I'm telling you that cuz i coded something similar exactly like facebook but on community board for my pack and it took me ages to debug it and to add porn proof (kids play the game so angry mommies) and other protections.)


The gameplay has not changed at all. We're not re-inventing the game, it is still Lineage II. :)


Thank you for your tips!


The gameplay has not changed at all. We're not re-inventing the game, it is still Lineage II. :)


Thank you for your tips!


I don't mean to be an L2Off elitest angry man - but...

You claim your not re-inventing the wheel here - yet you claim you won't be the wheel.


I mean what?


"Custom Quests":

Which atm seems to be a custom html - albeit done in a super pretty way - is still just a custom html.

It doesn't really do anything - and i doubt you'll invest time to code up 50 quests - some of which are also different than following the traditional kill\messengerboy\maybe slightly small knowledge\logic problem route.



....i'm at loss for words - you think the "insert very degrading word about average intelligence of L2 Players on PServers here" know who Grain Kain is?

You think anyone read the max 10 pages of A4 text that contains the lore for L2? really?


"Facebook display yourself et al":

It'll wow the idiots of the "newness of personalization" ....but what about after 5 minutes when they realize it does nothing for  them in gameplay?



You claim to be different - yet you really aren't.

Your the exact same - while trying to steal the focus away on the pretty new aesthetics - of features that really aren't features.

Atleast gameplay wise.



Which is kinda sad - because you do the presentation, the aesthetics, the show etc..... very very well.

There's just nothing inside.


People will eventually want more than pretty graphical presentation.




I do at admire you trying - but your like 2 to 3 years late for the player who was worth fighting for imho :P


I don't mean to be an L2Off elitest angry man - but...

You claim your not re-inventing the wheel here - yet you claim you won't be the wheel.


I mean what?


"Custom Quests":

Which atm seems to be a custom html - albeit done in a super pretty way - is still just a custom html.

It doesn't really do anything - and i doubt you'll invest time to code up 50 quests - some of which are also different than following the traditional kill\messengerboy\maybe slightly small knowledge\logic problem route.



....i'm at loss for words - you think the "insert very degrading word about average intelligence of L2 Players on PServers here" know who Grain Kain is?

You think anyone read the max 10 pages of A4 text that contains the lore for L2? really?


"Facebook display yourself et al":

It'll wow the idiots of the "newness of personalization" ....but what about after 5 minutes when they realize it does nothing for  them in gameplay?



You claim to be different - yet you really aren't.

Your the exact same - while trying to steal the focus away on the pretty new aesthetics - of features that really aren't features.

Atleast gameplay wise.



Which is kinda sad - because you do the presentation, the aesthetics, the show etc..... very very well.

There's just nothing inside.


People will eventually want more than pretty graphical presentation.




I do at admire you trying - but your like 2 to 3 years late for the player who was worth fighting for imho :P

Oh, perhaps so.

I do appreciate your criticism.

Though this is but a quarter of what is still to come. We have more.


We never preached to re-invent anything. We merely said we aren't going to be your ordinary server.

And by 'ordinary' we mean the servers with the same features and concepts all the time.


We would like to spice things up a little more.

And perhaps people won't bother reading or caring about our custom lore. It's fine.

I - for one - had much fun thinking of it.

And perhaps people won't make much use of our player profiles. If it happens, then so be it.

At least we tried to give players something slightly different.


And there is more to come. We aren't exactly giving people "new" stuff.

We just set priorities on parts of the game that we think have been forgotten by people as time passed.


And regarding the presentation.

We just want us to be taken somewhat seriously.

As a graphic designer I know just how much depends on 'proper presentation' after all.


When Will Be On??

We expect it to be on at the end of this month or the next - provided that all goes well.


You guys are just scared from innovations, thats all !

Thanks for your continuous support, Loopy. :)


I don't mean to be an L2Off elitest angry man - but...

You claim your not re-inventing the wheel here - yet you claim you won't be the wheel.


I mean what?


"Custom Quests":

Which atm seems to be a custom html - albeit done in a super pretty way - is still just a custom html.

It doesn't really do anything - and i doubt you'll invest time to code up 50 quests - some of which are also different than following the traditional kill\messengerboy\maybe slightly small knowledge\logic problem route.



....i'm at loss for words - you think the "insert very degrading word about average intelligence of L2 Players on PServers here" know who Grain Kain is?

You think anyone read the max 10 pages of A4 text that contains the lore for L2? really?


"Facebook display yourself et al":

It'll wow the idiots of the "newness of personalization" ....but what about after 5 minutes when they realize it does nothing for  them in gameplay?



You claim to be different - yet you really aren't.

Your the exact same - while trying to steal the focus away on the pretty new aesthetics - of features that really aren't features.

Atleast gameplay wise.



Which is kinda sad - because you do the presentation, the aesthetics, the show etc..... very very well.

There's just nothing inside.


People will eventually want more than pretty graphical presentation.




I do at admire you trying - but your like 2 to 3 years late for the player who was worth fighting for imho :P


There's been some confusion here. Elfocrash made it sound like we said that we're offering a whole new gameplay, meaning that the gameplay on Lineage II Wicca will differ from the traditional Lineage II gameplay. Maybe I misunderstood what he was trying to say, but the thing is. The 'wheel' is Lineage II. We're not re-inventing the 'wheel', we're improving/offering our own version of it. :)


Custom Quests

Making up these quests is quite hard as we are trying to make each quest more or less 'complete' one another and deviate them from the conventional quest types. Some of the quests are indeed your traditional kill X number of mobs/messenger-boy quest. Though, we do try our best to come up creative quests.



Of course we don't expect the portion of players you mentioned to know anything about the L2 lore. That is why we provided very basic info on who each character is and who created them.


Like xDrac said. This is but a small portion of what we are going to have on our server. We are working on more stuff at the moment and will release more information as soon as we're done working on a feature. I wouldn't like to announce a feature that is not even nearly done and might not make it to the launch.

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