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[l2j]L2Monsters High Five PvP


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L2Monsters High Five 12.07.2012 18:00 Gmt +2


Easy Farm , lot of PvP


XP x1000

SP x1000

Adena x1000

Drop x10

Spoil x10




Save +3

Max +16

Normal 65%

Blessed 85%

Crystal 100%


Custom Npc



Gm Shop

PvP Shop

Special Shop

PvP Pk Manager

Nobless Manager

Clan Rep. Manager

Global Gatekeeper

Augment Manager

and more...




Gold Knight 1

Gold Knight 2

Gold Knight (pvp pk)



Spoil ( RB jewels )

Elegia zone ( only here you get elegia armor )

PvP armor only from Olympiad (for Token)

PvP Gun from Olympiad

3 RaidBoss respawn 3-4 h

1GrandBoss ( party )




Team Vs Team

Death Match

Capture The Flag

Last Man






Aden    ( special stats )





Buff slot 28+4

Starting LvL 40

Vote system with Reward ( from website )

PvP Pk color system

PvP Pk Reward


Voice command


Buff =    .fbuff    .mbuff      .fullbuff      .cancel

Events =  .dminfo    dmjoin    .dmleave    .lminfo    .lmjoin    .lmleave    .tvtinfo    .tvtjoin    .tvtleave

reward system =    .reward

other =    .deposit    .withdraw    .online    .changepassword currendPassword newPassword retypePassword


more in game



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The ivinting system was lauched today.

Create your account in the server, go to DONATE and choose INVITE.

Invite all your friends and you'll get a reward (donate points).

Three players who invited most people, will get points.


Invite event will be continuing till the next friday

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