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UPDATED: New price 10 euro as noone buy.. i will ask moderators to close this thread if noone buy that in 48 hours


Account Price: 10 Euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply: You can reply my post with your price and

if i can't sell this account for 10!!!!!! Euros your offer will be next !


Contact - You can reply here or send me a message on facebook

My Facebook: www.facebook.com/kyriakos.dendrinos


Summoner Name: KuLee

Summoner Level: 30

Summoner RP:975

Summoner IP:1722

Summoner Runes: Pro Jungle runes ap/ad, ad carry, mid, solo top

(To see all runes information log in with an east account and go to Find Summoner and search ''KuLee'')


Normal Wins: 592

Solo/Duo Queue: 3 Wins 5 Loses Current rating 1069


10 Skins


- Mythic Cassiopeia

- Muay Thai Lee Sin

- AstroNautilus

- Royal Shaco

- Big Bad Warwick

- Spectral Fiddlesticks

- Totemic Maokai

- Riot Girl Tristana

- Unchained Alistar

- Judgment Kayle



43 Champions


- Nocturne

- Lee Sin

- Skarner

- Nautilus

- Hecarim

- Cassiopeia

- Maokai

- Jarvan IV

- Blitzcrank

- Shaco

- Karthus

- Xin Zhao

- Olaf

- Nidalee

- Lux

- Amumu

- Cho'Gath

- Taric

- Veigar

- Teemo

- Evelynn

- Sion

- Morgana

- Jax

- Alistar

- Tristana

- Warwick

- Zilean

- Tryndamere

- Nasus

- Fiddlesticks

- Malphite

- Annie

- Sivir

- Ryze

- Kayle

- Master Yi

- Ashe

- Nunu

- Poppy

- Garen

- LeBlanc

- Dr.Mundo


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you are not even go to buy it why u post?


its my problem and not yours i have the money and i want to buy a account, @dendrinos add me on skype romeo.inside1

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