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lol, on pvp servers which are going to close in weeks or months, i like playin with scripts. However, if you think that you are "pro" playin servers with 100% blessed and RB Jewels in shop and farm in 1 day you are wrong. Come to Mid rates, and see if i can play or not...Playin in high rates is FOR FUN. Playin in mid rates is playing with parties and have fun etc etc, so bots have no sense. But playin alone in a pvp server with some sciprts that may help you is da best. If you disagree, means you never tried to use them because you are handless and cant manage some things.


What u're saying it has no sense.Like on Hr u cant play with pt and u MUST solo.


This is just an "extra" but i prefer lameguard (regarding the ss that i removed :) )so randoms like u that cant even target will pwn themselfs.


/EDIT: SS removed,cuz too many pms.


wont speak anymore to failors that are not able to understand 3 words. See you "PROOOO" player

There is nothing to understand,u just whine about a server cuz u can use those programs. More lame than this?  :poker face:



lol, i never played and i will never play this server since it is full of corruption. Bot protection just gave me +1 reason to stay out of this.


lol, i never played and i will never play this server since it is full of corruption. Bot protection just gave me +1 reason to stay out of this.


I played this server,yeah pay attention i used the past tense. But ur reason it's so weird .That's the most retarded and lame reason i could ever hear,srry.I dont wanna argue with u,but thats what i think.

Corruption?Why?U'are the 1st or one of the 1st guys that "qq" about corruption.So why u say that?


because you dont anything about this server. Admins made kind of custom skills and give to their chars. Rush impact with 2500 range is not normal but you are able to see it in this server. Anyway, dunno for now, but this server when i played it for first time, i saw a player rushes me from 2k range. If not 1500 range for sure


Ahahahaha this grs lol.

And when u cant use the program:u are such a random that cant even target himself.Faken handless players.You are just proving how much u suck ;| .

All can play with a faking script but if u think u are so pro killing 24050943 players at the same time,do it w/o programs brah and dont cry .


sks albane you dont even know how to use tower


because you dont anything about this server. Admins made kind of custom skills and give to their chars. Rush impact with 2500 range is not normal but you are able to see it in this server. Anyway, dunno for now, but this server when i played it for first time, i saw a player rushes me from 2k range. If not 1500 range for sure


I'm gladly offering a server to play on where you don't need to farm for years, acceptable balance between classes, and without any type of corruption or hidden donations (which you wouldn't even believe what hilarious offers I've had, but I reject them all anyways), it's just a plain simple fun/PvP server, no bullshit. It's basically the server I would like to play on if I wanted to play a highrate. Since I lol'd when I read your post because I don't even have enough time to focus on the issues my server has, I'll tell you something. It's normal to think as you do - Highrate L2 community is cancer, admins and players alike. It's just obvious that as a result 99% of the servers are disgusting and for you to expect it


Thanks for bumping


Ok, what about the rush with this range...I am sure that, some of your staff edited the skill and give it to a friend

tell a name lol, and if u know a sh1t abt l2j, u cant edit char skill w/o affectiong all other chars that have same skill.


tell a name lol, and if u know a sh1t abt l2j, u cant edit char skill w/o affectiong all other chars that have same skill.

copy/paste skill (add new ID and new range) and done how hard it can be




sks albane you dont even know how to use tower

Tici me re alvane ploox :troll:




I dont like h5 cuz of spammable rush..but in this server all the rushes are the same(imo) : spammable and all have same range/land rate.There isnt some1 with 10k range and rest with 300,all are the same...But as i said,i start to hate h5 exactly for this: spammable rush,land so faking easy even if u have "max" stun resist...then regarding this server:imo warriors are just too op,their aoe skills are too imba.



@In general: if u pm me :do it in english lol.i aint gr...


mid rates are same crap as high rates. Every player think about the negatives of his class never the positives . For example a sph might get 10k once from dagger, the first thing he will do is to cry at forum "daggers op omg " but he will never make a topic " Sphs hit 2k normal and 7k to daggers" , in that way of thinking its impossible to balance a server unless the admin knows a lot about this game and give a lot of time testing classes ( it will never happen though :D )


true...people is all time saying "Enemy class is OP" because they get once high damage...Reason: Enemy was gladi on final secret and get a crt on tss or dagger was on CC and had a pro backstab ( you know...double dmg etc etc) or SK was on CC +hammer+SOS etc etc...However same thing with de buffs...They are going to oly and playin vs necro...Necro is using in the 1st second curse of doom and it lands. First thing they will say "OMG CURSE OF DOOM 100%".


IT IS NOT D.I.CKHEAD it just succeed ONCE! That means is 100%? :P


I hope you know what i mean


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