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Rates and Enchant:

- 1000x Rates

-  3 Safe Enchant

-  10 Max Enchant

- 33% Enchant Rates

- 50% Attribute Rates

- Adena drop:Custom (in farmzones)

- Raid Boss Jewels drop x1




- Skills are up to High Five chronicle

- Buff time 4h [with some exceptions]

- AIO Buffer is available in all towns,for every player

- Buff Slots: 24 4 Buffs / 12 dances&songs / 12 trigger skill

- Certification skills - working without quest



-TvT every hour - Giant's Codex, Gold Bar reward


Grand Bosses:


- Custom droplists on the ground

- Custom lvl - 80

- Spawn time - 1 week

- Site Show boss spawn time

- Custom pvp zone in raid area with auto-flag

- Custom mini-raid in farm zone


Custom Features:


- Captcha Antibot system

- Hero every week

- 3 Hours Olympiad every day

- 60 matches every week

- Farming areas

- Offline shop

- Spawn Protection

- Nobless Quest -5 Gold Bars

- Spawn Protection

- Automated Events

- Elemental level 4

- Currency - adena

- Sieges every 2 weeks

- Territory Wars every 2 weeks

- Ward reset every 2 weeks

- Working siegable clan halls

- PvP Zone with auto-flag

- Kill-streak announce at 3,5,10,15,20,25,50 Kills

- PvP reward (Festival Adena)

- PvP System

- Pc Bang Point system


3 Years of uptime, for more info www.l2gang.com





3 years online of the most bugged server? envy eats you ? or did i do somthing to you in the past? like ban ?

never get banned there.. you get 1243124234$ for donate and you never bought better files, bot protection etc .. This server is donator, only for making money for owner... and these 3 years with 400 players on start and now onnly 150 with 70 dualbox or bots ..


yeah most bugged, more than L2world, you dont have clue how work L2formulas on H5.. you nerfed cancel skill, tank, boosted daggers, cause you want made server balanced, but you ruined this game ..


So wrong. Over 1k Players online several times, and more than 500 anytime. I never bought a file, i make my own. Maybe bugged, i have yet to see a "nonbugged" server outthere. So the envy is for making money? 1 month donations wont be accepted on L2Gang, will be a fair start for everyone. Anyway, you can keep bumping this topic with your nonsense, works for me. Thanks for your interest in this server, means somthing.


Let's unleash donator word skills to justify your failure against some char.


There isn't nothing you can't farm in the donation list, unlike many server who have custom items on donations list or equip who exceed the max enchant.


Why romanians and others preffer freya/hi5 instead of older clients of Gracia? i dont get it geez ,hi5/freya are definetely not lineage for me


Atleast,its a stable server.


3 years online of the most bugged server? envy eats you ? or did i do somthing to you in the past? like ban ?


sup noob,time to see ya :p


Why romanians and others preffer freya/hi5 instead of older clients of Gracia? i dont get it geez ,hi5/freya are definetely not lineage for me

Gracia is not lineage2 compared to prelude as goddess of destruction is not lineage2 compared to hi5 also.


In the end ncsoft did 15 different games.


33% Enchant Rates :lol: you kidding me noob.


go away whit your fail server where 147 weapons you enchant and only one is +9 :x


whetever you mode farm is one big FAIL too, you have what farm 2 months and 7 hours in MODE nolifer for one set vorpal +6 :evil:



you SERVER IS ONE TRUE JOKE. change it or you FAIL again whit you wipe.


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