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[Guide] Phoenix Knight based on pvp servers


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Thank you guys.


@elvirowski I prefer haste for oly and resist triat for mass pvps.


@Jovansa hope you ll use it when you start playing it.

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@elvirowski I prefer haste for oly and resist triat for mass pvps.


Woops I made a mistake... I just see it now (sorry I gota headache all day) :S


OLY - Haste.


PvP's - Trait (+5% more resist's for me). Aggression + Aura Hate. Im on target all time :D

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Strategy vs Overlord?


Well,you mean at oly.


Buffs: ww,haste,last whisper,might,conversation.

You start with rsk. Focus blunt and angelic icon,you should be low hp and not using tol at beggin. When your hp is going down you use faith,when it goes down again, use TOL and change to sword. Try to be with FI and deal some more dmg.


But just2know,you cant kill a decent Domi. Your only hope is to make max dmg with your icons,cleanse his debuff if your pet is still alive,and keep your hp up by spamming sacri. If u manage to do that you may win by dmg.

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Give me a feedback if you try that,also try to find out where you make the mistakes. You really have to play perfect vs domi if you want to get a chance of the win :)

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very nice but not agree with resist trait


You prefer haste or what? :)

Nice guied! As for cerification,  in pvp servers -----> Chance Haste for sure


PK is tank ,support class,not DD.

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