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everytime when i try to launch any version of OOG or IG walker i get this error (the only one working version is 1.95 but tis for kamael and i need it for interlude)



Podpis problému: (problem definition)

  Název události problému: APPCRASH (name of problem)

  Název aplikace: L2Walker.exe  (name of program)

  Verze aplikace: (version of program)

  Časové razítko aplikace: 46774bf4 (time impress of aplication)

  Název chybného modulu: StackHash_1703 (name of bad modul)

  Verze chybného modulu: (version of bad module)

  Časové razítko chybného modulu: 00000000 (time impress of bad modul)

  Kód výjimky: c0000005 (code of exception)

  Posun výjimky: 02690781 (advencement of exception)

  Verze operačního systému: 6.0.6000. (version of windows)

  ID národního prostředí: 1029 (ID of national environmet WTF:D)

  Další informace 1: 1703 (another info 1)

  Další informace 2: 2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9 (another info2)

  Další informace 3: 1344 (another info 3)

  Další informace 4: 875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e (another info 4)



and when i click on "vyhledat reseni online a ukoncit program" (search for the problem online and close the program) it starts to search but after 55 secs it closes itself and doesnt find nothing :/

btw i use vista 64x


Change your OS for XP, Vista sucks ^^

PS: I was use vista x64 Russian Ultimate, all walkers runs without errors, except 10.7.4


i wanted that same write ^^


Tomi adjust for best performance settings to vista and right click to l2w.exe and use administrator section maybe this way fix to your prob :/


lol i just tried to launch some walkers and seems like 10.2.3 until 10.6.9 works

seems like since 10.7.0 there is added something new :/



maybe google for the answer? Or visit the website of the creators of l2walkers and post on their forum.


They have to know if its possible or not.

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