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[Suggestions]If someone is going to open a custom server, check this out!

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Well, I would be glad to help someone who is going to open a custom GF server. I would help with ideas (about events, items, skills etc), being a GM or coding updaters and other mini-tools for him.


Some things about myself

  • I am a good software developer (I know some .NET languages such as C# or even VB.NET)
  • I can help with the design of the website and the forums
  • I have some basic client modding skills


PS: I don't want to pay or be paid for anything.

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Well, I would be glad to help someone who is going to open a custom GF server. I would help with ideas (about events, items, skills etc), being a GM or coding updaters and other mini-tools for him.


Some things about myself

  • I am a good software developer (I know some .NET languages such as C# or even VB.NET)
  • I can help with the design of the website and the forums
  • I have some basic client modding skills


PS: I don't want to pay or be paid for anything.


You know L2Dreams?

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Too bad, it was the best custom gracia final and epilogue server i ever played :) ,its regretable that u didnt tasted its flavour :P


Few months ago i wanted to make a server similar to it ,i tryed and i did around 60% similar ofc ,but since i knew that i dont have money for dedicated machine and ddos i quited... and also i didnt had enough time to learn java well ,i just learned html and a little java (i even forgot how to use source now lol, shame on me : P) [i used l2dc epilogue]


PS: These are just a part from all features




Look, il put a copy-paste from some features of my server which i posted on maxcheaters longtime ago with the hope that i will make it but after i knew my situation ,i gave up...


• 50x XP/SP

• 2x Spoil


Enchant Rates:

• Safe: 5

• Max: 12 for armors/jewels and 25 for weapons

• Chances 69% for normal scrolls and 69% for blessed scrolls


Custom Npcs:

• The Lineage shops are all customised to outfit with the server economy

• All gatekeepers are customised to outfit with the server for leveling,farming and teleporting

• Top PVP/PK implemented in Gatekeepers

• Event Manager

• Shop Manager

• Newbie Buffer

• Town Buffer

• Coliseum Buffer


Detailed Overview:

• Newbie Buffer: From LV 1 to LV 39 spawned in all villages

• Town Buffer: From LV 40 to LV 79 spawned in all towns

• Coliseum Buffer: From LV 79 to LV 85 spawned in Coliseum only

• Custom currency system: Fire Mantra, Wind Mantra, Water Mantra as main economy

• Attributes: Max Level 4

• Custom Enchant Glows

• Dwarf classes have Frenzy/Guts/Rage implemented for pvp & farming (Dwarfs can farm better) (new)

• Festival Sweep (from interlude) will be implemented to Fortune Seeker (for even faster farming and 4sepulchers) (new)

• You can use cloak on every armor possible even naked

• No Giant Mastery Codexes (new)

• Chance augments have much better landrate than 99% of servers (new)


Custom Olympiad:

• Max is A grade

• Max 16 enchant for weapon and 10 for armor/jewels

• Heroes Period: 2 Weeks

• Anti Feed (IP)


Raid Bosses:

• Epic Bosses Respawn is retail like

• Raid bosses from entire map of lineage have custom drops for special items


Farming: (new)

• Miniraid bosses implemented in 5 zones, which gives 10x drop than 1 normal moob and they can be hardly solo (new)

• Zones for Solo Farming: Monastery of Silence, Primeval Island, more soon (new)

• 4Sepulchers which drops fire/wind/water mantras (best zone for farming and leveling in party) (new)


Planning Features:

• Events: Team vs Team vs Team, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing (each kill = special items for buying everything at event manager) also top players gets some bonus enchant scrolls and much more

• Rebirth System ,not sure about this one!

• Tatoos with 5% stats except absolute that gives 10% hp and resolve that gives 15 speed

• Some custom quests (new)

• Npc that shows when raidbosses are online or offline ,not sure about this one!




yEAH ,i dont hope or ask you that u will  help me ,i just wanted to let you know... ,i bet i can barely use admin commands now lol... ,anyway if you want i can show u what server i did (well at least the farm zones,mini raids,and everything about html ;d) ,i know i cant do nothing anymore with it, noone will pay for me or i will pay to open it, but i feel bad about my work since it going to stink and not get used ,maybe il have the chance to share with someone working together and blablabla


EDIT: Im just like you, i dont need get paid or pay or something like that, i would actually share my work for free to someone who would do something with it and there would be no problem working together since it was my work ,i wasnt interested in money ,i just wanted to release one of best midrate custom private servers just like old l2dreams as inspiration


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What do you think ,wanna waste some time on this thing ? and ul do something with it in the future?

You said youre good developer ,so that mean you can work in source as well ,i would like to restart from where i was and after few months or less ,you would do something great with the project unlike those fail servers that are today (also about website ofc, i have nice ideas)


Yeah 80% features are similar to l2dreams but in a different way ,everyone would think this is a fail copy of l2dreams but is not, its better than 99% random servers with same simple features over and over again unlike 2 similar unique servers

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Well, this kind of server is not my type. I will send you a PM with my ideas and then we can maybe "mix" them?


Ah, k ,i kinda lost my hopes then since u dont like it :3


That mean... the project will be completely inexistent and the little effort i put into it was kinda in vain : ( ,till i find someone who could continue my project ,l2 would die... :D


EDIT: So what do you think about what i pmed you?

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PM me some of your ideas.


I am an experienced Java developer and can create just about anything I can think of in lineage 2. So far I have created an automated event system, 2 custom pvp events, scheme buffer in java, dynamic scripted leveling zone, in-game donation system (website used VB.NET), and a lot of other random stuff. This was all created in an attempt to learn how it works.


I just started browsing these forums because I downloaded some fresh files and wanted to start a project. Any ideas for a server and/or custom features (i.e. events) is greatly appreciated.


PM Me :)

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