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interlude L2j-SWAIN Farm-PvP Custom server WITHOUT custom items Grand Open changed*

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ehehe big spammer was here and counsel me about "dont spam" hmm nice


i say in all new servers "gl with your server, nice freatures or awesome freatures" becaouse is for help admin im good person  ;D and go more spam!



GsL this is good server! ;D


be slow champion, i read all. but x2 times to i need to say, its FAIL. believe me.. u can change all of "Interlude" features, i dnk ppls hating from it. and its JAVA PVP greek nabs wanna farm 1hour, and make pvp "FOR 1WEEK MAX" you cant do anything with this system


-its bad? nop, but nobodys like it. still GL with 30-50 players.. maybe not :D 50 is too much for this :D you can rent server for 1 month, in 2. week players are leave from server really, believe me you cant satisfaction players


Thanks for your opinion but listen this


Server is not 1 hour farm trust me need time and luck with drops...

Here you can play pvp without farm at Newbie zone because you can join up to B Grade.

If you join and check some of features you can undestand my job


Try it i m sure what u will like it... many features you must discover it in game ..







Thanks for your opinion but listen this


Server is not 1 hour farm trust me need time and luck with drops...

Here you can play pvp without farm at Newbie zone because you can join up to B Grade.

If you join and check some of features you can undestand my job


Try it i m sure what u will like it... many features you must discover it in game ..


login to game. :D


should i can join to server %85+ cuz me, and my clan need a good server but I want to tell you, you cant get players to this server



+ i hate 1 hour farming :D i can speak about nib greeks :D and most "Lineage II" players are greeks secondly brazilians you need to bring brazils and greeks. but they are hate from this info i know, but  thats your choice


I m Greek but i always play at low rate servers and hard farming servers.. i hate easy things* it havent any sense..


I have fix something good that is my opinion and all ppl that join like it.. i have change all interlude dude


If you have have time spend 10 minites from your life and join i hope be online to explain you my job..


gonna be awesome


Thanks  :)


Guys all you must know server name change and i w8 New site..


Why Changed??  L2swain was a different style server...


New site will be  : L2Rose.com just w8ing for desing..

it isnt something special :p but need time..


My english sucks to :p

i was bad boy at school... :p

thanks to girls when  summer comes i learn to speak ..Hey go for a walk..? what you say for a drink? how many days stay at Greece? Do you have a boyfriend?


hahah :p

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