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L2OFF Insignia network low rate server


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Yep nice server






inkubus baned, cause... kill 10 times player Kami


and cause player Kami is donate 50e for ddos protection


this is VERY NICE SERVER, sure

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lol you got banned because you used offensive language against Dev Team ...  come on stop the drama and learn to read the rules at least


yeap u r right, but.....why i used offensive language against Dev Team ?


maybe i say maybe....cause u jail my chars without reason ?


cause i kill many times yr donator Kami and he start crying and crying !!!


i use to play at yr server keeping  and respecting yr server rules.


but u dont respect ppl who they join at yr server, only u do was to afraid donator players like Kami,


lets see who needs to learn and read....


if u see at foto's i say to him "thnks" and he ansewer to me , http://imageshack.us/f/443/shot00019w.png/


after all this u'll  be sure , many many ppl gona join at yr f.......server


try to ban  my acc , here, like u done at yr f.......server


ps:kazu= blade dancer of Kami



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