FighterBoss Posted October 22, 2012 Posted October 22, 2012 jealousy speaks. I know y u like romanian rap, dont be ashamed Silent Strike - Imperiul Lianelor ( Instrumental ) SEZ - Magnum 47 (Ezekiel feat Dj Faibo X ) Instrumental SEZ - Labirint (Carbon) Instrumental SEZ - Balboa (Cedry2k) Instrumental SEZ - Pui de lei (Ceilalti) Instrumental should i post more? .. gud stuff :> Quote
Dask Posted November 18, 2012 Posted November 18, 2012 nob raule y u no have lyrics and only dapa dupa nob ro Quote
SrbIN Posted November 18, 2012 Posted November 18, 2012 beat sucks. Best greek beats from underground? Quote
Raule Posted November 19, 2012 Author Posted November 19, 2012 nob raule y u no have lyrics and only dapa dupa nob ro y u kinda xeno exactly sucks lyrics: raman bionic baterii piroman falnic in biostructura de-iluzii un numar impar, divid, viu, invins inteles la eclipsa magma natura de plastic din nou incinsa gust omega? de-un pic lichid radioactiv procesor artificial inchis in bit mobil de partitii captat intr-un vacuum numit idee respir praf, despart aerul si miros a Orhidee aua de metal accelerata prin ram cu gigamemorie camp magetic a doua sectoare,4 continente alimentand energie prin ochii lui Stanley Kubrick sclavi captati de cap slav napand distanti saturati de saltu-mi ghidat de salt inec tot din port in port recalculeaza axa cu resurse din corp fome la poarta ce poarta boala noba tome ce se poarta si departe bolta-n doua infuzia lui Iisus stocata-n spatiu gol mecanism sonor sechestrat intr-un bol din nou e punct infinit botezat echilibru cu papile si pupile din cristal am privit cum se duce tot de rapa renasc cu alti ochi si reactii, cand samanta pe alta ruta se infrupta Si-atunci ii absorb aura intreaga in valtoarea vartejurilor din gaura neagra vars aur in leagan de tezaur ce leaga prisme din care descind muritorii suntem elohimi discipolii Torei in regim muritorii ii asud si m-ascund legat strans de-absurd cu-n lantz scurt, ceilalti fug anotimpul e toamna si-am tot timpul in palma acronimul ce sfarma, ard continuu ca magma scuip spinii ce spinteca spirite sfinte simte ca-s limite simple in instinctele ce-mi sting stigmele-n minte si stricte limite din supernove nascare e-amplificarea expansiunii astrale ca stare ca atare cap tare de karma-n galantare cataralele calvar sting darda al inflexiunii de flux din tartar simt presiuni in refluxul dimensiunii de sus si schimb sesiuni in impuls electro-magnetic dezleg toga septic cu efect orbaletic si-n defect s-or patetic ermetic in ceruri spatiul comprima spre zero ultimul tantum ergo si dupa saltul spre gol im english knowledge is too low to translate these lyrics, check with google translator maybe you will get something: remain bionic battery towering arsonist biostructure of-illusions in a number odd, divide, live defeated understood to eclipse plastic nature magma hot again Omega taste? a bit of liquid radioactive closed artificial bit processor mobile partition caught in a vacuum called idea breathing dust and odor air break Orchid Metal Saddle accelerated by ram with gigamemorie Whiteboard field of two sectors, 4 continents energy fueling through the eyes of Stanley Kubrick Slavic slaves captured by head napand saturated distant guided me jump saltu drowning everything from port to port resources recalculated the body axis fome gate bearing NOBA disease tome that arch-gate and out in two Jesus infusion store in empty space sound mechanism sequestered in a bowl baptized again is infinite equilibrium point with papillae and pupils crystal I watched everything goes to the dogs reborn with new eyes and reactions when seed is another route feast And then her whole aura absorb the vortex swirls of black hole vars golden cradle that connects Treasury prisms of which descend mortals Elohim are disciples of Torah in regime ii mortals sweat and I hide closely linked with-n-absurd short Lantz, others flee season is fall and I always palm acronym that shatter, burn continuously as magma spit thorns that pierce the holy spirit feels that's the simple limits on instincts Why did my mind off stigmele- and strict limits on the supernova NASCAR e-amplification astral expansion as a state such as head hard in shop windows karma cataralele Darda ordeal off the inflexiunii flow of tartar feel pressure in reflux size up and exchange sessions pulse electro-magnetic effect untie toga septic orbaletic And in pathetic or defect were sealed in heaven compressed to zero space Last tantum ergo after the jump to empty Quote
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