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Hello everyone, I joined to the maxcheaters only today ^^so that means im newbie. I have been playin l2 about 6 years, four on l2off. and last two years on private servers xD All the time i thought l2phx or anything els doesnt work since hellbound come out, only few bugs on sh!ty server left, but i was wrong xD last few days i was playin/farming as crazy  on majenta-moon.com x15 h5  server with  1k++online, till one guy started dropping out items +30k (now server is dead) but i dont care that xD i want to learn how to use cheats as well ^^ so is there any guide from zero ???


idk server had 1,5k ppl online and about 200+ donotors what gm would do that ??? who  would bite the hand that feeds?? xD


The gm that didnt recive some money from the admin(you said that are 200+ donators)...So he become mad and mby did that .


There are few bug's to double items... but without GM access you are not able to make 300k items....



If it was 1500+ server that mean that some GM fail....



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