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WTT Nobless with all subs on x30 server (Cleaver)

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Account in Lineage II (Client - Interlude c6)

Informations about server on site > http://l2cleaver.com/

Rate 30x

1.5k people online. Up to B grade,from B Craftable,quests work,buff 30 slot.. .etc all u can check on site.


Account Details

Main Soultaker 80lvl Nobless

Subs : Archer,Dagger,StS,Archmage... 78+

Ally with Ketra lvl 5 with all bosses done so u can farm for recipes.

And cool aug on B grade weap ^^


What i am looking for is Good account or RP on my main (if there is possibility) since i stopped playing L2 now.


Make ur offers l2 players,because others wont for sure

Thanks all.

Items can be added for it depends on offer.

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