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RoManiacs Custom PvP Server


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-Xp: 5000

-Sp: 5000

-Adena: 5000

-Karma drop rate: 5 (35% Chance)


-Safe: +5

-Max: +20

-Max Crystal: +30

-Normal Enchant: 75%

-Blessed Enchant: 85%

-Crystal Enchant: 100%


-No Grade:  5%

-Mid Grade: 10%

-High Grade: 15%

Top Grade: 25%

Hourly events: TVT, CTF, DM

Custom starting level and leveling area

Custom currency

Custom items

Custom PvP color system

Custom PvP Spot

Custom farming zones

Custom mobs and RB's

Custom reputation quest

Olympiad is working (1 week)

Clan War is working

Castle Siege is working

Fortress Siege is working


Join us: www.l2romaniacs.tk

The has started on 29.09.2012, and will be online for a long time because we found a good hosting...

Dev. RedBull

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good server need ppl i was alone on server before some minute i log....farm is paranormal...you must make it a little easyer for the item that drop from boss.no the gb and stone the other...thnx

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Ok, a member said that server isn't populated and another and another ironic member said that I fond good hosting but site is tk. 1st: i am waiting for approval from hopzone and topzone, 2nd i have good hosting for server, not for site... :| So please... I dont understand you guys, you need posts ?! If you dont like it, get out of here :))))

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Ok, a member said that server isn't populated and another and another ironic member said that I fond good hosting but site is tk. 1st: i am waiting for approval from hopzone and topzone, 2nd i have good hosting for server, not for site... :| So please... I dont understand you guys, you need posts ?! If you dont like it, get out of here :))))

you got mad? :D

btw gl with your server

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looks like the best IL server around here ...


nice website and rates !


Good luck :)







































































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[RO]Vezi poate iti cere drepturi de autor raule  ;D

Te trezesti cu citatie acasa .  8)


PS:Trecand peste aceste aspecte minore o sa vad care e trb cu srv tau (sunt un patriot desavarsit ce pot sa zic..)[/RO]

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Dude I wanted to say that: If you bought good machine for host server you could invest some money for better domain. People see .tk they dont even try to check server. ALL!



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