slaatcain Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Hello, This is a guide for those, who want to make their own weapon, armor, accessory, npc, monster, etc... First, you need some programs: Lineage 2 with patched system (you can use almost every version, but every version needs other programmes) Unreal Engine 2 & UTPT (for exporting everything into unreal files) Download: L2encdec & L2asmdisasm (for decoding, it could be other programmes which use these, i use L2FileEdit) Download: L2decrypt & L2toolo(-C6)/L2utxfixer(CT1-) (if you want to see an example texture) Download: L2UKX (if you want to see an example mesh, and exporting) Download: OAUKX (to export the meshes into .ukx files) Download: A program which can edit/make meshes (like 3D Studio, but i use a free software called Blender) Download: A program which can edit/make textures (Paint, Photshop, Gimp, etc) A DDS plugin for Photoshop or your painter programme Download: A PSK/PSA plugin for 3DS or Blender Download: First, you have to make your mesh in your program, and draw your textures. Then you have to export the textures to .DDS and the meshes to .PSK (if you made animation, save them as a .PSA file). Then open them in Unreal Engine 2 (if you want to make animations, or effects with the textures, do it, the other guides might help you in the forum). Export them into .utx, .ukx (if you want to make your own sounds, do it in UE2 in the same way, and export it to usx), encode them with l2encdec.exe 121, and write your lines in .dat file (if you made a weapon, write it in weaponsgrp.dat, etc). Of course, you need to change the server's .xml files. After that, start your L2, and play with your own weapons/armors/monsters/npcs/skills and so on. (If it doesn't run, try out Fyyre's l2.exe, it'll run, i think, but for client C4 and before, you have to do the quater of doing in Kamael or Hellbound) I wrote an example with Sword of Miracles Acumen(5643), for the easier understand: First, export the mesh and the textures of SoM: L2UKX, open the .ukx, and export the file you want as an .obj file L2UTXFixer, open the .utx file and then, click on OK Now, make your mesh, so import the mesh with Blender (File/Import/Wavefront (.obj)...) If you want to make a .psk file, you have to add an armature (bone) to your mesh, Add/Armatuer then make it the right position (If you want to know more about Blender, check ) Then export it into .psk (File/Export/Unreal Skeletal Mesh/Animation(.psk and .psa) Mod...) OK, let's do the texture Export it with UTPT, right clikc on the file you want, "Extract as Imgage" and "All mipmaps as DDS" (.DDS, because it has alpha channel) Draw your texture in Photoshop (if you want to know more about Photoshop, check ) Export it into .DDS (Save As..., Select format D3D/DDS (.DDS), Click on Save then chose DXT 3) Now you have a .psk mesh and a .dds texture Open them with UE2, first, the mesh (Click on the Animations, File/Mesh import, then click Open) If it writes this, it works Then save it (File/Save) Now make the texture Import it with UE2 (Textures/Import, then Open, name it, and you have ot choose DXT 3, if you use alpha channels) Then save it as an .utx file (File/Save, then click on Save) Encode the .utx file in 121, the .ukx file in 111, and put the .ukx into the Animations and the .utx file into your SysTextures. Now, the only thing you must do, to change the lines of your weapongrp.dat in your patched System. Open L2.exe, and you can enjoy your own Sword of Miracles Acumen. (I couldn't make photos ingame, because i don't have any working L2 Hellbound client, but if somebody tries it, and it works, please write:) I've tried it in Kamael, and it worked) I'll refresh this post if i'll have enough time for it. I hope it will work for you. For further information, write me! I hope you'll enjoy it. Slaatcain
Feelmyspells Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 It's a good guide,but with photos would be better.
slaatcain Posted June 5, 2008 Author Posted June 5, 2008 You can download it from, and it's free. But you can do this with almost every modelling programs. And you can download a psk/psa plugin from
slaatcain Posted June 5, 2008 Author Posted June 5, 2008 Sorry, but I'll make some photos, if i'll have enough time.
Destiny Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 @slaatcain don't double post if you want to write something else just modify your 1st post BTW the guide is pretty good but some ss would be nice :)
Mijuki Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 Wow Very nice... Thanks! Karma it is the best guide... Good man and Thanks.
fdLP. Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 i want to try it , can u please fix the photos with the original size or give the links? Thx
marsic2 Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 that's the same way also to edit the interface of windows into the client, right?
CriticalError Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 well listen man u dont write how to use this progams and L2 UTX FIXER is for when u have files damage believe im not sure of it and not know this works 100% so maybe u can explain much better how to use this tools anyway thx
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