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Also, HotshotGG is a great player. No idea why so many people say that he is bad. His strongest points are calculations and escapes.

Cause he's trolling so much when he's streaming, haters can't understand it. They just see a bad score and "bam", hotshot sucks.
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To be clear, I didn't say that Hotshot is bad in general. Just that he suck at jungle, at least I don't like his jungle gameplay. Prefer him top.

yes he is much better top and clg was much better with old game play. with saintvicius jungle htshotgg top..
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Whats the best players as support? Give me a list.


Top: Sk kev1n

Mid: crs ndacky of w/e is his name.

Jungler: TheOddone

ad carry/bot: idk about that.

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