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[TUT - MaNGOS] Using Auction House Bot (AHbot)

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Chris K did a marvelous job at writing a job for it, so I won't bother making my own. 100% credits to him <3



This patch modifies the core so it populates the auction houses with items. It makes the game feel a bit more like official. Items and prices are chosen randomly based on the parameters you define. If an auction expires, auctions are deleted quietly. If the auction sells, you *can* get the in-game mail for that item.


Step 1.) Create a character that you are going to use as the auction house bot character. This character will be the auctions' owner for all the items created by the bot.


Step 2.) Go into the realm database and note the account number for the character.


Step 3.) Go into the mangos database and note the character's GUID.


Step 4.) Log in at least once with this character.


Step 5.) Apply the patch and rebuild MaNGOS. For unix, you will need to re-run "automake"


Step 6.) Tune the newly added configuration options in the configuration file. They are discussed below...



# Auction House Bot
AuctionHouseBot.Account = 0
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 0
AuctionHouseBot.NoMail = 0
AuctionHouseBot.AllianceItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.HordeItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.NeutralItems = 0
AuctionHouseBot.MinTime = 8
AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime = 24
AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 30
AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenTradeGoods = 13
AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueTradeGoods = 9
AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1
AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteItems = 6
AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenItems = 30
AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueItems = 9
AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleItems = 2
AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceWhite = 150
AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceWhite = 250
AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceWhite = 100
AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackWhite = 0
AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceGreen = 200
AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceGreen = 300
AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceGreen = 100
AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackGreen = 3
AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceBlue = 250
AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceBlue = 350
AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceBlue = 100
AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackBlue = 2
AuctionHouseBot.MinPricePurple = 300
AuctionHouseBot.MaxPricePurple = 450
AuctionHouseBot.BidPricePurple = 100
AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackPurple = 1


AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot.


AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in mangos->character table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot.


AuctionHouseBot.NoMail is a flag to disable mail for successfull auctions. A value of 0 will allow mail for successful auctions to be sent, which is the default. Non-zero (e.g. AuctionHouseBot.NoMail = 1) will stop successful auction mail.


AuctionHouseBot.AllianceItems is the number of items you want to keep in the Alliance auction house.


AuctionHouseBot.HordeItems is the number of items you want to keep in the Horde auction house.


AuctionHouseBot.NeutralItems is the number of items you want to keep in the Neutral auction house.


AuctionHouseBot.MinTime is the minimum number of hours for an auction.


AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime is the maximum number of hours for an auction.


AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteTradeGoods is the percentage of the auction items that should be trade goods of white quality. A value of 0 will disable.


AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenTradeGoods - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueTradeGoods - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleTradeGoods - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentWhiteItems - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentGreenItems - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentBlueItems - see above

AuctionHouseBot.PercentPurpleItems - see above


AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceWhite is the minimum price adjustment for white items. For example the default is 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g.


AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceWhite is the maximum price adjustment for white items.


AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceWhite is the starting bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if this value is 50 and the buyout price is randomly chosen to be 1g, then the bid price will be 50s.


AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackWhite is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows.


AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceGreen - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceGreen - see above

AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceGreen - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackGreen - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MinPriceBlue - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPriceBlue - see above

AuctionHouseBot.BidPriceBlue - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackBlue - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MinPricePurple - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxPricePurple - see above

AuctionHouseBot.BidPricePurple - see above

AuctionHouseBot.MaxStackPurple - see above


If you chose to include the ahcommands.patch, it will add the following commands for GM level 3 players:

ahexpire <house id> <player GUID>

ahdelete <house id> <player GUID>


ahexpire will expire all the auctions in the requested auction house with the player GUID as the owner.

ahdelete will delete all the auctions in the requested auction house with the player GUID as the owner.


The real difference between them is that 'ahexpire' will actually deliver the auction if some has bid on it, and ahdelete will just delete the auction regardless if someone has bid on it or not.


The auction house IDs are:

2 - Alliance

6 - Horde

7 - Neutral


Example, if my auction house bot character's GUID is 42, and I want to clear out all their auctions from the neutral auction house, I would run the following:


ahdelete 7 42


Please post any questions or bugs you have.




Last tried with MaNGOS v4671



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