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Fake negative feedback on my profile

Lucky Dice

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i should add the proofs or he ? cmon

Tell me where i can dekarma him...

you made the topic..

prove that you are not scammer,and I can assure you that rafaa or w/e its called,will be punished

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you made the topic..

prove that you are not scammer,and I can assure you that rafaa or w/e its called,will be punished

All the maxcheaters call me scammer , yea i dont really care but never none give proofs that i am scammer.And none will . That's all,i dont have something more to say...report me with no proofs and maxtor approve it ?I dont care what you are gonna do but as you can see i am out of this forum weeks now.
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this is from the past. when u have scammed many people.with the psc and maxtor has approve this  comment now ;p

give him back +1,and wait till maxtor approves it.

All the maxcheaters call me scammer , yea i dont really care but never none give proofs that i am scammer.And none will . That's all,i dont have something more to say...report me with no proofs and maxtor approve it ?I dont care what you are gonna do but as you can see i am out of this forum weeks now.

can't do smth else from my side.

let's hope that maxtor won't approve it after 4-5 months.

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Also i had ban for this reason...

so don't tell us that all mxc call you scammer without proofs and such shits.

I told you what to do for this issue.

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