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Server Version: Interlude.

Server start date: 20.09.2012 - 16:00 GMT+3


Server rates


Exp: x2000

SP: x2000

Drop: x10

Spoil: x2000

Adena: x2000


Safe Enchant: +5

Maximum Enchant: +16

With Silent Scroll: +20


Normal Scroll: 75%

Blessed Scroll: 95%

Silent Scroll: 100%


Main Features



Custom PvP Color

Custom PK Color

Custom PvP Reward

Custom PK Reward

Custom Start zone

Custom Farm Zones

Custom Farm Items

Custom PK Protect

Custom Tatto

Teleport Protection

Clan Leader With Clan Lvl 8 Has Color Name

Hero Coin 24H


Vote System

Away System

Oflline Shop

Shout Chat With: 50 PvP

Trade Chat With: 25 PK

Max sub class per char: 3

Augmentation Hight LS: 15%

Augmentation Top LS: 30%

Augment: 1 Active | 1 Pasive

All New Players will start level 20

All New Players will start with 500k Adena




Custom Gatekeeper

GM Shop



Skill Enchant

PvP/PK Rank

Olympiad Rank

Symbol Manager

Wedding Manager

Server Info

Clan Hall Manager

Clan Manager

Olympiad Manager

TvT Manager

CTF Manager

DM Manager

Sub Class Changers


Clan/Ally Features


Clan/Ally/Clan Reputation sell in Custom Clan Npc

Max Clans in ally: 3

1 Day penalty when you leave or dismiss clan


Event system


TVT event 10:00 16:00 22:00 04:00 Hours

CTF event 12:00 18:00 00:00 06:00 Hours

DM event 14:00 20:00 02:00 08:00 Hours

Quiz event delay [120] minutes


Voiced commands


.ctfjoin .ctfleave - Join or leave ctf event

.dmjoin .dmleave - Join of leave dm event.

.online - current online players count.


Olympiad game


Retail olympiad game

Competition period 1 week

Olympiad start time 18:00 end 24:00


[move]SITE: http://www.l2silent.tk/[/move]

[move]FORUM: http://l2-silent-forum.tk/[/move]

[move]*SOON WILL ADD DOMAIN*[/move]


free domain is just for now...we will add domain dont worry if that is more importat for you guys than the game play..btw domain will add soon


maby u dont know but i will tell u smth


firs impresions always metter ;)


Fail server ... 11 online and all of them shop at giran town! Skills reuse is modified for "balance" so you have to w8 5 sec to make deadly blow... and 7 sec for backstab.. ( I had 1240 attack speed when checked) GZZ


With all the respect, you have opened 3-4 servers, all in the same pattern (features), all same web-address(.tk),

some of them you claimed they are not yours, don't you think it is time to realise homemade servers do not last

because the market is very tough?


I have not logged-in to your server, thus i cannot/won't judge its community and/or gameplay, my point it is that

homemade servers have alienated LineageII. And the fact that there are donations it is outrageous.

It is not a personal attack, it is just a fact.




from all those servers i had post no one is mine.....

but you can join to check the feautures and after post what you dont like and what you thing its good on server.....

it will not hurt...

i know free domain its sux but if you join you will see that the server is good and have good balance and features.....as for the .tk the owner told me that he will add soon the domain..but dont know when...

last time i log in the server it had 70 online...

also server now its on topzone and soon will be on hopzone so give it a try :D


from all those servers i had post no one is mine.....

but you can join to check the feautures and after post what you dont like and what you thing its good on server.....

it will not hurt...

i know free domain its sux but if you join you will see that the server is good and have good balance and features.....as for the .tk the owner told me that he will add soon the domain..but dont know when...

last time i log in the server it had 70 online...

also server now its on topzone and soon will be on hopzone so give it a try :D


what's exactly "unique" there is nothing more than what l2jfrozen gives with their pack...

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