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Key and Mouse Recorder - Then walker can't help you .


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Hello , i will share with you guys - program that i used so many times -

in russian and other verry good [ 3 - 5k on - best antibot protection ] servers -

There walker are not working :)


This program recording mouse&keyboard - u can make script then u farming ...

Smth like : using mp/hp pots - using next target - mass skills - etc ...

And left script for 1000 times to repeat , also you can edit script - other stuff .


Also you can make script with enchanting&atributing stuff , and save tons of time .


U can update program , and use keygen , but after then u need to use "key" -

from keygen every time , then program starts .


Sorry for my bad english guys , i just can't write everything that i want ...





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