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Era of Hazard is a new server that started on the 1st of September 2012. The rates are:


XP/SP: 1000x        Drop: 10x      Safe: +6  Max Weapon: +16  Max Armor/Jewels: +20


Adena: 200x        Spoil: 25x      Normal Scrolls: 75%    Blessed Scrolls: 90%

We have many unique features that we implemented. First of all, we have all Goddess of Destruction armors and weapons at the shop. The weapons are categorized in 3 levels, the 1st level being available at shop and can be bought with one Gold Coin. When you decide to upgrade to the next level, you will need the weapon and 30 Gold Coins for level 2 and the weapon and 50 Gold Coins. You can get Gold Coins by defeating Raid Bosses or you can exchange them at Coin Exchanger NPC. The exchanges possible are:

100 Copper Coins = 1 Silver Coin

100 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin

1 Silver Coin = 50 Copper Coins

1 Gold Coin = 50 Silver Coins

Silver and Copper coins are in general from mobs.

Also, at the armors, the system is the same. You can upgrade your armors, starting from the first one bought at the shop.

Another feature is the Community Board. By pressing Alt + B, you can find the following:

News - the name says it all

Career - you can change your class, by leveling, right here

Information - find various commands that can be used in game

Shop - an all shop from which you can buy all armors and weapons up to S84, consumables, pets, etc

Buffer - 24 hour buffs and option for schemes

Teleport - Various areas from the world, including Level up zones and Farming zones

Events - Register to the current events

Services - From here you can change your nick or sex, separate subclass, change the name of the clan, change the nick color; you can also become Noblesse (Sell the Nobility button) and get a Bonus XP for several days

Blacksmith shop - the name says it all

Statistics - Top 10 PvP/PK/Clan/Online and Castle Status

Moreover, the Geodata and Pathnode are new and private, updated to the last bit. You will surely not have problems with walls or others.

New scrolls have been added : Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction for armor and weapon (S-Grade). These scrolls can enchant an weapon and if it fails, you will remain with the same enchant.

For protection, besides the DDoS protection that we provide, we have one system that is meant for the player. For those that have Static IP, you can press .lock in game and you can lock your IP. That means that only the current locked IP can login in the game and if someone steals your account, he cannot access it. But remember, do not use it if you have Dinamic IP!



owner of the server: MJJ


[RO]: Degeaba daca numai e l2 atlantis epilogue/gracia final sau hellbound ,ma pish de la distantza pe hi5!, adminii sunt prea prosti ca sa le mai pese de Old Times


[RO]: Degeaba daca numai e l2 atlantis epilogue/gracia final sau hellbound ,ma pish de la distantza pe hi5!, adminii sunt prea prosti ca sa le mai pese de Old Times

[RO]: Da ai dreptate...as vrea un Hellbound-Gracia final sau chiar un freya bunicel ..mai populat...nu cu ~100 online

Iar cand colo aici ~70% dau numai de interlude si aproape restu high five...iar daca stai sa verifici toate serverele de aici de IL au aproape acelasi "feature" . :( sad


ze1as loled, ur such a hater. u make lvl 85 within 5 minutes. server is good, convince by urself guys!!


rates just a little piece of sux,110\130 bots who farm in farm location,server special for boters,buff time 24h and all time GM offline.

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