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Preview acceptable Toplists


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Good morning to all maxcheaters members, since i am back after 1 year in private server developing i would like to ask the old members here for some infos about the toplists:


3 Q:


In which toplists your server can be accepted as preview (1 week before opening for example)?

How much is the exactly costs of topzone/hopzone/gs200 for bold name + banner?

Which toplist accept vote system? because before 2 years as i remember hopzone was giving many server bans


Thank you in advance, i would like to answer only in these 3 questions and not spam , when i get the answer i need i would post to lock the topic

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Good morning to all maxcheaters members, since i am back after 1 year in private server developing i would like to ask the old members here for some infos about the toplists:


3 Q:


In which toplists your server can be accepted as preview (1 week before opening for example)?

How much is the exactly costs of topzone/hopzone/gs200 for bold name + banner?

Which toplist accept vote system? because before 2 years as i remember hopzone was giving many server bans


Thank you in advance, i would like to answer only in these 3 questions and not spam , when i get the answer i need i would post to lock the topic

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Good morning to all maxcheaters members, since i am back after 1 year in private server developing i would like to ask the old members here for some infos about the toplists:


3 Q:


In which toplists your server can be accepted as preview (1 week before opening for example)?

How much is the exactly costs of topzone/hopzone/gs200 for bold name + banner?

Which toplist accept vote system? because before 2 years as i remember hopzone was giving many server bans


Thank you in advance, i would like to answer only in these 3 questions and not spam , when i get the answer i need i would post to lock the topic

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First question: There was one "FreshArea" but it closed (dont know why).

Second q: I think its around 15 euros per month (better go ask them in person).

Third q: I dont think they care anymore, just follow their rules about it and you'll be fine as long as you dont force your players to vote.

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I would gladly help Stalone, I myself will have to answer those questions soon when my server is up. However I cannot supply a lot of info since, I believe nothing has changed. Hopzone, GameSites200,etc are still the leaders.

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Just make an account on their websites and check the prices, how hard is it? topzone is cheapest..

Most of them don't care for vote rewards, especially if your 'premium'.

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alright thank you all for your use full infos


I would gladly help Stalone, I myself will have to answer those questions soon when my server is up. However I cannot supply a lot of info since, I believe nothing has changed. Hopzone, GameSites200,etc are still the leaders.


i will be waiting your answer , thank you

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