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First of all we would like to give you some informations about us.

Our team is experienced in developing, administrating and in managing of Lineage II Server`s.

We all have been Lineage II Player for many years and we still are Lineage II Lovers.

This is the reason why we decided to start this Project.





* Experience: 1000

* Expexperience: 1000

* Party Experience: 1000

* Party Spexperience: 1000

* Adena: 5000

* Consumable Cost: 1

* Drop Item Karma: 10

* Drop Seal Stones: 1

* Drop Spoil: 1

* Drop Manor: 1




* Safe Enchant: +4

* Weapon Max Enchant: +16

* Armor Max Enchant: +18

* Jewels Max Enchant: +18


* Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 55%

* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 100%

* Crystal Scroll Enchante Rate:100% goes from +18 to +20






* Tattoo (Only P.def)

* Custom Farm Zones

* Clan Lord Announce

* Hero Announce

* Killing Spree System

* PC Bank Point System

* Vote Reward System

* C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig)

* Fishing

* Seven Signs

* Castle Sieges

* Clan Hall Sieges

* Noblesses & Heroes System

* Max Level 80

* All Quests

* Clan Wars

* C5/Interlude Clan System

* subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights) * Cursed weapons

* Wepon Augmentations

* Shadow Weapons

* Dueling System

* All C4/C5/Interlude Skills

* All Raid Bosses + Grand Bosses + Frintezza

* Olympiad 100% Retail like

* DualBox allowed

* 100% Retail like gameplay without any customs

* Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes

* Active and experienced development/GMteam!

* No corruptions!

* Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months

* NO LAG!!!

* 100% Uptime

* International community



* Stable. No lag.

*24Hours Support!

*Update: Another Nerf on stun type skills

*Updates Event's:

*Capture the flag

*Team Vs. Team

*Advanced Team Vs. Team

*Last Man



*Mass Domination

*Fortress Event

*Strider Event

*And much more ...

*and more...


Farming Info:


There are 4 farm areas located in l2world,all of these farm areas has the same drop of l2wartune coins









All Flood Protection

L2 Walker Protection

Olympiad Protection

Events Protection

Spawn Protection 20Sec

Dual Box Protection

Buff Delay Protection

PvP Farming Protection

Ddos protections under construction






Info Machine:

  Dual Quad Xeon 8 * 2.4Ghz

16GB DDR3 1600

2 * 143GB SAS 15k rpm HDD Raid 1

2x 1Gbps backbone connection

99.9% uptime

Os Linux




http://l2wartune.com/ Coming soon!




http://l2wartune.com/forum Coming soon!


Support E-Mail: l2wartune@windowslive.com





Our kind regards,

Lineage II WarTune Team.





For sure this server is made by kids, who doesn't know english.


Uptade = Update

Stryke = Strike

Comming = Coming


Ddos protections under construction = You build them? o_o


I give you, 1 week.




For sure this server is made by kids, who doesn't know english.


Uptade = Update

Stryke = Strike

Comming = Coming


Ddos protections under construction = You build them? o_o


I give you, 1 week.




Its not i "build" them its about im testing them.


also wrong words type has been fixed,ty


For sure this server is made by kids, who doesn't know english.


Uptade = Update

Stryke = Strike

Comming = Coming


Ddos protections under construction = You build them? o_o


I give you, 1 week.




Totally agree with that.


Good luck


For sure this server is made by kids, who doesn't know english.


Uptade = Update

Stryke = Strike

Comming = Coming


Ddos protections under construction = You build them? o_o


I give you, 1 week.





You should already have rdy your DDos protection...


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