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interlude L2Sanctuary Interlude - Awesome Features Tomorrow 19:00 +2 GTM!!Do Not Loose it!

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and who care what they say ? i'am making him Tattoo in my balls ..

man please learn english. i cant understand what are u trying to say.


Open beta so we can fix bugs. As it is lol L2j there is gonna be 143434 thousand bugs.


Lol i fcking told u not to trust these admins..Before some hours he mentioned something about opening about and now he's thinking of it?LOL trash srv qqthxbb...HF and GL with this project..IF its called like that cuz its more like a trash..


qqthxbb totally agree, its koza's team server he open this server for 1week bcuz have some problems with "justice" and need money to pay his shits.


I dont care whoever's server is..I just want you  to learn some english in order to communicate properly cuz since you cant spell and write 1 word,you are not on our level..Sorry koza..Same for you deathcry..Also your answer doesnt make sense..Im saying that facts are facts and you are telling me that it's the only pvp server bla bla..Who cares..I guess that this is a BIG minus for his community since he has given a date and then he changed it..IDK a lot of servers that did that and after 1 week had the same population as they would on their normal grand opening..Nvm HF & GL


I dont care whoever's server is..I just want you  to learn some english in order to communicate properly cuz since you cant spell and write 1 word,you are not on our level..Sorry koza..Same for you deathcry..Also your answer doesnt make sense..Im saying that facts are facts and you are telling me that it's the only pvp server bla bla..Who cares..I guess that this is a BIG minus for his community since he has given a date and then he changed it..IDK a lot of servers that did that and after 1 week had the same population as they would on their normal grand opening..Nvm HF & GL

bla bla bla I'am Superman With the Best English .. Some hours Before you said i will not join now you change your mine.. [GR]Akoma na ma8is kinezika ? [GR]


bla bla bla I'am Superman With the Best English .. Some hours Before you said i will not join now you change your mine.. [GR]Akoma na ma8is kinezika ? [GR]

Y I CHANGE MY MINE..BATMAN YOOOOOOOOO..[Chinese] 你好你好你好你好 [/chinese]


hahah koza is mad.Chinese rofl

neah i'am not mad ;)

Just i call in skype confident or wtf his name,and i say him i want 1 Gm event,but because i have the dedicate on Chine,i want 1 gm who will speak chinese,and what he say  me ? axaxaxaxa

-Np i will learn Chinese in Google ax0axaax

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