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Dear future ERICA x10 inhabitants!


Do you appreciate the classics and enjoy genuine image of the game? But you still want your opponents to develop as fast as you? Do you think that getting C-grade, B-grade and A-grade sets is an achievement that can make you a real warrior and make you proud of yourself? And S-grade is a long-awaited and elusive goal? What do you think about wars for top locations of spoil, quests and drop.


Or maybe you like to trade? You may be a dwarf in your heart. Interesting and dynamical market awaits you.

What can be better than classics where each item has incredible value? What feels better than getting a Sword of Revolution in Hardin's Academy from souls at the start of the server? Cause it’s about 1.2kk adena to your pocket (minimum). Beautiful Interlude that brought a lot of memories back.

We will give you the world, this game!


For all classics and Interlude fans!


Erica x10 opens on: August 24 (Friday), 2012.

Interlude Chronicles

Official assembly(EURO PTS)



Site: www.lineage.ru/english.php

Openning date: August 24 (Friday), 2012.

Openning time: ~17:00 (UTC+4)

Make sure to read all info about a concept of the new game world.

Attention! New world concept can be changed even after the start of the server.

We will watch the living world and add modifications that will be necessary for players to maintain the server fun.

Everything that is not mentioned in this thread is equal to the official data of classical Interlude






Exp: x10

SP: x10

Adena: x6 (standart chance is 70%)

To slow down economy development and to male equip very valuable we decided to set exactly this rate. It prevent players from the instant developing, so they need to try hard to reach their goals. Just as at good old classics servers.

SealStones: x3

Drop: х3

Spoil: x3

Actually we could leave the drop and spoil rates as they were, because it was planned by the creators of the game, but considering the influence of x10 rates on character development we decided to make it a little bit higher, just as high not to ruin the market economy.

RB Exp/SP: х2

RB Drop (total chance in party): х2

Rates at Raid Bosses was increased to give raids more value, well, it's still x10, not x1, you know. It would be more fun to recieve items with increased rate, because raid take a lot of afford and time. And smal addition of double exp/sp is pleasurable too.

Epic Rb Drop: x1

Epic RB Exp/SP: х1

Quest: x1

Quest Reward: adena, exp, sp x5 (only quests for adena, exp, sp)





Donation system will be dynamical, you wouldn't find everything in the shop at the start of the server.



A full list of goods and services from NPC Erica and Hel (comming later)


Newbie Guide, Buff slots, Miss Queen:


Newbie Guide - Standart for Interlude, gives buffs upto level 40. You can get detailed info from the NPC herself.

Buff slots - standart, expanding with Divine inspiration skills learning.

Miss Queen - if you have level 6 or higher you can get a special Apprentice Adventurer weapon.




Characters appear without No-grade equip and shot's, it's classic.

Official Intelude time method of learning skills: manually with books and amulets.

Restriction on the amount of windows - questionable

Epic bosses - they will be dead at the start of the server, respawn timer will be selected randomly but not longer than maximum available value to the certain Epic. Therefore nobody would be able to kill Ant Queen until it respawn at the first day. We made it that way cause the first two days is the most problematical because of DDoS attacks.

There will be no limit on entering Valakas layer (official limit is 200 characters, but lineage 2 community has expanded since that times)

Maximal enchantment is +16, chance is equal to the one that creators (NCSOFT) setted.

Seven signs are in the standart cycle: a week of battle, a week of seal)

More info on periods

Adena limit (including SP) - considering the peculiarities of of the chronicles, PTS server code and client side, the limit is standard, it is equal 2,147,483,647 units of adena. That's why we included Adena Chest, so you can convert your currency and store it in the comfortable format.Pay attention - If you've reached the limit of Adena, and try to exceed it - adena reset to 0 (other options is possible)! Take care of its safety and convert each 1,000,000,000 to the Adena Chest! This is not a server error, this limit was established by NCSOFT, it was changed only in the Gracia Final Chronicles. There will be no corrections of this, because this value depends on the number of features)



Learning professions:


Purchase the first profession - 100.000 adena / available for ToD

Purchase the second profession - 1.500.000 adena / available for ToD

The third profession - only quest / available for ToD


Grand Olympiad:


Have a lot of characters with Noblesse status and you yourself are a hero? No you are not! We have provided and implemented a protection from the cheating with twink windows. Honest and legit Olympics is not a myth! Now everyone can be a hero, while having only one character. Grand Olympics System is calculated to give Hero status to trully honored players!

Grand Olympiad – starts on the first of September

Change of Olympics periods – 1 month

Class fights every day

Winners of Olympiad will recieve a special prize: Infinity Chest.

There will be no enchantment restriction. If such measure will be needed, we will impliment it for a couple of hours and introduce it to the game.

No more cheating from several windows, 1 character drom 1 computer. (It's impossible to register to Olympiad with more than one character)




Clan halls:


Real Clan Hall to a real Clan! This is the way its going to be at the start of a new server. We have complicated the process of buying Clanhalls and made real estate acquisition really valuable and preferred that would exclude of fast buying of Clanhalls at the start by twinks.

Minimal bet was increased by 10 times.

The rent of clanhalls was increased by 10 times

Only clans that reached level 6 can buy clanhalls.

To get the 6th Clan level you need to have 10,000 Reputation Score, Minimum Number of Clan Members 30 or more, according to NCSoft. This innovation will not allow twinks to buy CHs at least at the start of the server and at the first weeks. So there will be a motivation to form larger clans and coalitions.

Max bet on ClanHalls: 999.999.999 Аdena

First CH auctions will end on August 31st at 22:00 (UTC +4)



Sieges of castles and elite CH:


Sieges will be held from the 8th till the 9th of September

Sieges held at the Seven Signs "victory" period on Saturdays and Sundays

Capturing of elite ClanHalls is fully according to the official data




Market and offline trade:


Trade is forbidden near Gatekeepers in all cities

There are trade zones in Giran, Goddard and Aden




Events and special offers:


Autoevents from NCSoft

Bonuses for supporting resource in ratings (l2top & mmotop). You will get Votive Crystals fo votes




The universal in-game menu:


Called by the .menu command in chat

Enabling / Disabling the getting of experience

View on the runes bonus

Timer for temporary items

Enabling / Disabling recieveing of personal messages in chat (disabling the trade too)

Registeration for the tournament "Gods of the Arena". You can perform it while farming, after the tournament you will be teleported to the same place where you were standing.

Purchase of Offline-trade scroll

Activate offline trade

Account's HWID protection




Additional server currency:


Tear of Devotion - reward for donation to the server.

Votive Crystal - reward for voting for the server at rating sites.

Tear of Devotion and Votive Crystal – can not be traded or dropped ; you can not do any trade manipulations with it.



This server will die like Skadia's one. But someone will tell 'Die? Sure? With 2 000 online? You're idiot!". In this server'll playing only russian players. But before RPG-Club start, I will join it :). Still w8! :)

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