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Hi guys,


I wanna Announce NEW midrate server 50x.


So Server machine and ideas are:


It´s based on Java, dedicated server (+paid domain and so on) - powerfull machine.



Our team is trying to make a server UNIQUE

(not custom mixing new items and chornicles) bcse there are too many servers - but many ppl are bored of farming. So We try to make MIDRATE - that will be made in IDEA of classic low rate - So what I mean: You wont farm for ages, but you will be IN ACTION - Castle sieges, Dungeons bosses wars, clan wars, and so on....


So The classic features list:


Xp = 50x

Sp = 50x

PartyXp = 2x

PartySp = 2x

Adena = 75x

Drop = 25x

SealStones = 10x

Spoil = 40x

Manor = 20x

Rb drop = 30x

Grandboss drop = 25x (Rb jewels 1x)




Gm shop till B grade (A/S grade is craftable)

NPC Password Changer

NPC buffer

Scheme buffer

    - Bufftime 2 Hrs (pet buffs 5mins)

    - 24+4 Buffslots

Delevel NPC

Wedding manager

Weight limit Increased


Skill autolearn

    - Divine Inspiration have to be learned.

    - Spellbook drop is turned off - No more full invs of spellbooks

Anti-heavy system - Chars are not able to wear armors without propriete passive skills


Subclass - Free - without quest

Nobless - Caradine letter lvl 65 (with adena) - you have to kill the barakiel

- or Caradine letter lvl 75 (for vote items)


Vote item system


I will get Vote reward item for vote.

Every Champion drops 1 medal - You can trade 20 medals for 1 Vote item




Zero hour - 3x reward

The clan reputation - 250 reps for the Tyrannosaurus claw




No grade - 15 %

Mid      - 30 %

High    - 50 %

Top      - 75 %


Customs in the server


THERE IS NO CUSTOM ITEMS - all custom systems on server dont interrupt the classic gameplay - it only will increase PVP battles and smth like that.....


Custom Rb jewels crafting.

- You can drop Rb jewels recipe form propriete Dungeon Boss ( succes rate of these recipes are 10-15 % for high jewels (valakas, antharas, baium...) and 40-50% (AQ, core, orfen)





The customs are made just for improve easy access to farming locations, PVP and Clan actions.

You can find 3 edited zones (with edited mobs)


1) Snake zone - Frobiden gateway

- A grade zone - you can drop the A-grade Recipes in here

- Snake army drops A-grade accessory recipes

- Snake army spoil A-grade armor recipes + A grade keys

- Snake army is on 71 lvl

- Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

- 1 Custom Raid boss - The Queen Snake

- Stronger than normal RB

- Drops A grade armor + jewels

- Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

- Drops 1-10 Rb jewels keys*


2) Devils zone - Pagan

- S grade weapon + jews zone

- You can drop S grade weapons recipe in here

- You can drop Lifestones 76 in here

- You can spoil S grade jewels recipe + S grade weapon/jews keys in here

- Hard zone, mobs are not easy to kill

- Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

- 1 Custom Raid boss - The Demon Leader

- Stronger than Baium

- You need "good" party to kill it

- Drops S grade weapons + Jewels

- Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

- Drops 1-10 Rb jewels keys*


3) Angels zone - MOS

- S grade armor zone

- You can drop S grade armor recipe in here (not easy to drop)

- You can drop Lifestones 76 in here

- You can spoil S grade armor keys in here

- Hard zone, mobs are not easy to kill

- Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

- 1 Custom Raid boss - The Angelic Leader

- Stronger than Baium

- You need "good" party to kill it

- Drops S grade armors + Jewels

- Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

- Drops 1-10 Rb jewels keys*


Custom RBs can force Soulcrystals till 13.



ALL Raidboses respawn - 12Hrs

All Custom bosses respawn - 6 Hrs

Barakiel respawn - 5Hrs

Grandbosses respawn Edited:

Core 20+1

Queen Ant 22+2

Orfen 26+2

Zaken 40+2

Baium 72+3

Frintezza 72+3

Valakas 96+3

Antharas 96+3




Aumatic events:





+ Gm events - rullete, race, "kill the alien" and many others


.statistic COMMAND - you will be able to see if enemy has abnormal stats and if they have dungeons (so no more "topics" about corruption) - THIS SERVER WONT BE CORRUPTED bcse its made FOR PLAYERS not for EARNs.




Server should be started 28.8 - 1.9.2012

We actually made a provisory websites (its on free hosting till hoster come back from the holiday !! ) We have paid domain!




websites: www.rubins.ic.cz

forum: http://www.rubins.ic.cz/forum/index.php


this free-sh1ty hosting is temporary !!

THX for all your comments and ideas



Well finnaly not a random server, good luck, maybe il give it a try  :)


My suggestions:

1. Add Mana Drugs in shop (not mana potions)

2. Make olympiad max a grade (no s76 in oly)

3. Set enchant max 10-12 with 65% rate enchant

4. Add a top manager for events (best killer on each event, etc) + a npc with event rewards + u add reward per kill on each event xD


Well finnaly not a random server, good luck, maybe il give it a try  :)


My suggestions:

1. Add Mana Drugs in shop (not mana potions)

2. Make olympiad max a grade (no s76 in oly)

3. Set enchant max 10-12 with 65% rate enchant

4. Add a top manager for events (best killer on each event, etc) + a npc with event rewards + u add reward per kill on each event xD


Thx for your suggestion seems to be good, about enchant rate - its retail like, and There will be good rewards for Events ;)


Some features will be added soon..


i thing TOP ls chance for skill is to hight... anyway nice features good luck man xd


Top LS is quite hard to get  :) Thx for your comment ;)


tooo many IL servers :|

This is smth NEW :)


We actually made a provisory websites (its on free hosting till hoster come back from the holiday !! ) We have paid domain!



websites: www.rubins.ic.cz

forum: http://www.rubins.ic.cz/forum/index.php


this free-sh1ty hosting is temporary !!

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