re pedes exw ena prob ekana ena gk new to opio kanei teles se castles/fortr
to problima einai oti kapies fores kanei tele alles oxi exw alaxei to type L2Teleporter
apo L2Npc exw ta panta ok alla den kanei as poume den kanei tele pote otan einai konta ston manager p kaneis reg lol ti freei exw spasi to kefali m na vrw mipos eixa lathos kana kodika xerw gw alla einai ola ok :x gia pite m ttpt
re pedes exw ena prob ekana ena gk new to opio kanei teles se castles/fortr
to problima einai oti kapies fores kanei tele alles oxi exw alaxei to type L2Teleporter
apo L2Npc exw ta panta ok alla den kanei as poume den kanei tele pote otan einai konta ston manager p kaneis reg lol ti freei exw spasi to kefali m na vrw mipos eixa lathos kana kodika xerw gw alla einai ola ok :x gia pite m ttpt
('Innadrill Castle', '19946', '117193', '241793', '-1297', '1', '0'),
<button value="Innadril C." action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 19946" width=69 height=19 back="l2ui.DefaultButton_click" fore="l2ui.DefaultButton_click">
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