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up/dump/bump bla bla

dont tired ur self :D since i tryed to find a server for me and my friend's and we dont find any thing

Nice, but topic is to suggest me one server and not to tell me your story.

Anyway i search everyday for something but cant find.

Thats why i made that topic here.

Still LF Freya/Hi5 {PvP} server. Thank you


You have more than 1 month that you continue to "LF" a server.Dont you think it's the time to stop to spamm...

P.S: Wtf is so hard to understand that arent decent Freya/H5 PvP server.I'm lf too for a server but i dont spamm like this.ATM THERE ISNT ANY GOOD PVP SERVER.You must try C6..it's full of them :| .

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