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Bored of all those high rate PvP servers? Wishing you could reclaim those lost feelings of your younger years playing Lineage 2? Then stop on by l2symple.com. Because you‘re symply awesome. 


Website: www.l2symple.com

Launched Date: August 11, 2012





Dedicated Server

  • Quad-core Xeon - 12GB RAM - 100Mbs Unmetered Port - DDoS Protection



  • Experience: 15x [35x with vitality]
  • Party Experience: 2x
  • Adena: 25x
  • Drops/Spoils: 1x, but important items have been modified to a custom rate.
  • Quest drops: 5x
  • Enchanting: 66.6% enchant rate [retail]


Quick Overview

  • Start at level 20
  • Revamped starter zones - level 20-40 in your racial starting zone.
  • Free world - we won't limit you to a specific zone.
  • .Heal will heal your health and mana in town.
  • Automated TvT event, more automated events are in development.
  • Trade chat is global.
  • D/C/B/A Grade items are free - S grade is purchased with adena - S80/S84 uses a custom npc crafter who exchanges items for materials and adena.
  • The S80/84 crafting system uses 12 different materials which drop in higher level zones. Dwarfs are only needed for spoiling, there is no need to craft materials.
  • Multiple high level zones to gather materials - such as revamped School of Dark Arts
  • Certain skills - like rush - have their cool down timer increased to balance PvP
  • Vote reward system
  • Daily reward system - a gift from your L2 Symple developers - vitality potion which restores 100% vitality and bestows a 1 hour long vitality maintenance effect
  • Increased exp weekends twice a month
  • 1 hour buffs
  • Gatekeepers will take you to points of interest, but are not classified as global gatekeepers
  • Limited donations - hair accessory items - title color changes - vitality potion -
  • NPC buffer - all buffs - custom scheme buffing system
  • Experienced development team


Custom Script Zones


School of Dark Arts.


  • Open-world, full party, leveling area - Level 76-85.
  • Upon killing a monster in the zone, a random number is generated. This random number is kills needed for a random champion monster to spawn for your party.
  • The champion monster will spawn on top of a random party member.
  • Champion drops are for each player in the group. Each player has their own loot chance calculated. Drops include S80/S84 weapon SA crystals, blessed enchants, and regular enchants. Your loot is displayed on your screen, dual boxers will only receive loot on one character.


In Development

  • PvP point system - Your total lifetime points will unlock different items you can buy with your PvP Points. This will include upgrading to PvP weapons, getting rare items, and some misc items. This system is in development and will be released very soon.

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