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interlude Lineage 2 Tron Reborn


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Lineage 2 Tron Reborn is back. more info:



Server Rates:


* XP: 3000x

* SP: 3000x

* Drop: 2x

* Spoil: 1x

* Adena: 3000x


Enchant Rates:



*Max weapon: 25

*Max armor: 25

*Max jewelry: 25

*Normal scroll: 75%

*Blessed scroll: 100%


Server Info:


* Interlude stable Server, NEW START !

* Completed C4 / C5 / Interlude skills

* Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude, items

* Custom Teleporter with all Zones

* Full C4 / C5 / Interlude Mobs + Raids

* 5 subclasses for 1 character

* Geodata server: new smart quality geodata

* Auto Class Master

* Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int, spawnlist and mobs

* Clan Hall and Casltes are now working 100%

* Duel system working

* Zariche/Akamanah working

* Community board disabled

* Augmentation working

* The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 15%

* Delay from augmentation(attack) skills increased to 1 sec

* You can have only 1 active and 1 passive skill

* Away system mode on

* Banking system mode on

* Offline trade system mode on

* Start Level 20

* Max buff slots setted to: 70

* Max debuffs: 4

* Autolearn Skills

* Private stores have a special item for sale

* Standard respawn delay: 30 seconds

* Special raidboss respawn time: 2 hours

* Special drop on epic GrandBoses

* Pvp Collor system name enabled

* Pk Collor system tittle enabled

* Private shops work with Farm Item not with Adena

* Nobless item

* Hero coin which make you hero for 24 hours

* 50 Farm items can be exchanged to 1 Tron Stone

* Tron stone is used to buy special items

* Reward Coin can be used to buy special items


Special commands: .online | .away | .back | .withdraw | .deposit


Other Informatios:


# Karma:


*Karma player can't use shop

*Karma player can use teleport

*Karma player can use soe

*Karma player can't use trade

*Karma player can use warehouse

*Karma player can drop on 5 consecutive pk's


# Clan/Ally:


*Do not have to wait before:

*Joining another clan

*Create a new clan

*Joining another alliance

*Create a new alliance

*Disolve a clan

*Disolve an alliance

*Only 2 clans are allowed in alliance

*You need 10 members in clan to start war


# Olympiad:


* Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm GMT+2 )

* Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours

* Hero are chosen every weeks

* Custom Olympiad engine.

* Oly enchant items: 6

* Custom Olympiad engine.


# Events:


* Every hour event



* DM

* Many GM Event*for clan lvl ,reputation,etc


# Custom Npc`s


* GM SHOP-Unique

* BUFFER-Unique

* GK-Unique

* PvP-Pk Stats-Unique

* Change nickname and collor

* Custom farm monsters

* Custom Shop

* Raidboss Manager status



*Special zones:


You will find them on Tron Gatekeeper.

Antharas spot 1 and 2 - Farm

Cemetery spot 1 and 20 Farm

Forbidden Gateway- Farm

DvC spot 1 and 2- Farm

Town of Gludio- Safe Farm

Primeval isle- PvP Zone

Hunters Village- Level Zone

Giran- Main Town



# Custom Items:


* Red armor with special stats

* Desert weapons with special stats

* Tattoos with special stats

* Shield with special stats

* Mask with special stats.

* New Super Vesper Armor

* New Super Vesper Weapons

* The items don't increase Starwars stats!


www.l2tronreborn.com I am inviting you all in my server and i hope to have great times and fun. Enjoy your Stay.



note: This is the offiial L2Tron pack (givven by nighty).

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Server Info:



* Custom Teleporter with all Zones - all zones ? xD there is only one teleport to antharas nest... -.-


* Zariche/Akamanah working - working ? good joke ! i never see it ;)


* Special raidboss respawn time: 2 hours - haha yea rb... what rb becouse i never see him !


* Special drop on epic GrandBoses - how go to epic with out tp ? oO


* Nobless item - i dont know how to get it, i think its hide somewhere xD


* Hero coin which make you hero for 24 hours - again fals....


* Reward Coin can be used to buy special items - reward dont working...


Other Informatios:


# Events:

* Many GM Event*for clan lvl ,reputation,etc - hahaha only auto events GM just stanting and watching players xD


* Raidboss Manager status - dont work...



*Special zones:


You will find them on Tron Gatekeeper.

Antharas spot 1 and 2 - Farm

Cemetery spot 1 and 20 Farm

Forbidden Gateway- Farm

DvC spot 1 and 2- Farm

Town of Gludio- Safe Farm

Primeval isle- PvP Zone




# Custom Items:


* The items don't increase Starwars stats!  - 30k m.atk isn't starwars ? :D


Anyway serwer have 4 players with some boxes...

GM dont let ppl make pk/pvp


Dont lose time ! :)


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