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The East Monstrous Duo(Noble-Finito) strikes ANOTHER decisive blow to east high rank elo scrubs teaching them since July 4th how to play.Click to find out what happened these days :D


Cassiopeia sold her items 15seconds before nexus :D video proof from lolreplay!





" den exw 3anadei tetio arithmo se logariasmo p den einai 30level" lolz

I can't really understand this.You are 29 lvl and you play against 2000 elo guys ? Seems legit Riot.

i was wondering for that too thats why i asked riot dafuq was happening. 8)

i guess mi iz stronk :D




They were trolling.


Heimer + cancer Kog build

Whatever, kog was vs trundle+ezreal, he couldnt even hit a minion in first minutes(instant dive)


But the fact is the matchmaking, not the kind of game


Whatever, kog was vs trundle+ezreal, he couldnt even hit a minion in first minutes(instant dive)


But the fact is the matchmaking, not the kind of game


What's your normal elo?


the truth is that i got my theory proved.


when i made this acc i instantly played countless games ,since lvl 1 all the way up to 30, with Finito and Dask  which they already had 1400-1650 elo back then.

The normal games "stuck" together as you play and i was only matchmaked with 30lvl enemies even i was 5lvl-10.the fact that we were constantly winning raised my normal elo


West side my normal elo was 1800 before lolmatches.com closed (jayce patch)

East side still unknown but i got 30victories and 7loses by the time i got there xD


I didnt really believe what Moonleaf said yesterday to me but when the game re-matched me again all the evening with 1800-2000+ i started to believe him. 8) and yeah this happens since July 4th


I guess something more than 2k in my main account

More than 2k in main? You're not even 1.6 lol. About normal elo, yes.

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