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Καλησπέρα..Το θέμα αυτό το έψαξα αλλά δεν βρήκα αυτό που έψαχνα γιαυτό και θέλω λίγη βοήθεια..Η βοήθεια που χρειάζομαι έχει σχέση με τα augment αλλά όχι τα glow,τα μικρά κεραυνάκια εννοώ.Για όσους δεν κατάλαβαν τι θέλω να πώ,εννοώ τα κεραυνάκια που πετάγονται όταν κάνεις augment.Δηλαδή στα +15 τα κεραυνάκια είναι μπλέ ενώ στα +16 λίγο χρυσά και προς τα +20-25 γίνονται πιο πορτοκαλί.Γιαυτό επειδή στον σέρβερ μου θα έχω max enchant +10 και θα έχω άλλα glow,θέλω αν γίνεται να μου πει κάποιος πως γίνεται να αλλάξω και το χρώμα των κερυνών του augment.Γίνεται απο το env.int με file edit;...Ή χρειάζεται να κάνω edit κάτι άλλο;


Ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά  :)


If you see carefully it has only blue and red augment effect and you can use this for 1 weap.i need this augment glow to be enabled when a weapon is augmented for all weapons(so i don't have to do it everytime for each weapon.Also i want a different colour)got it?

It is good guide but i didn't found that was looking for

Btw you're a client moder right?don't you know a way to do that?


So how can i understand for what ++ is it? and how can i change the colour?

here an exmple

this string from variations effect grp

4 4 16 50 8 LineageEffect.w_vari_r4_008_a a,Augmented\0


it is connected with weapongrp.dat by engine.dll functions, and allow you by simply changing numbers in weapongrp.dat get a effect you'd like

i don't rly remember what numbers it whas( i test a lot year ago huh )

so i just need to test and if i remember - but better you test frm weapongrp.dat string

there somewhere should be,

in any case if it's somehow using by server - i don't think so but it can, look on server side

it should be somewhere huh )

hope that help.



here an exmple

this string from variations effect grp

4 4 16 50 8 LineageEffect.w_vari_r4_008_a a,Augmented\0


it is connected with weapongrp.dat by engine.dll functions, and allow you by simply changing numbers in weapongrp.dat get a effect you'd like

i don't rly remember what numbers it whas( i test a lot year ago huh )

so i just need to test and if i remember - but better you test frm weapongrp.dat string

there somewhere should be,

in any case if it's somehow using by server - i don't think so but it can, look on server side

it should be somewhere huh )

hope that help.


I tried to take a look but it is too many things right there...so it is dificult to change the variation glow for each weap..i will take a look at server side now..


Edit : I tried to find it at serverside but no results...The only thing i need,is to change the variation glow and i don't think that it is dificult,but i don't know the way to do that :/



did you treid to change numbers in weapongrp.dat ? yeah there a lot but mm if i remember right some of those numbers are changing the effect, need to test but again i don't have much time... rly i have a lot of work.

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